I'm going to do it, seriously. Write everyday. I mean, isn't that what writers do? We write. You already knew that though, everyone does. So now you must be asking, who is this person? Yeah I could be all like, my name is, I like, I hate… but that's pretty boring, extremely boring actually. So without further sentence fillers and stalling, lets get to know me, because I guess I need to figure out who I am too.
Let's see here… today would be the eight of December, 2013. That would make me twenty years old, and I definitely feel old. Worse my birthday, as is everyone else's in my family (dog included brother excluded) is in January, so I really, really feel old right now. Inside I still feel like a giant kid. College is cool and all but when you realize you have about a year and a half left you start to panic. Simply put, I can barely make toast without burning it, so how am I going to ever be able to "fend for myself?" Being in college has perks and all, but some days I wish I was back in high school, not that high school was great or anything, because it seriously was a hell hole in itself, but I had a lot less worries then I do now. However, don't let me talk you out of college kids, education is important and all, plus, college is the only time you can morally stay out late and drink the night before a big exam. (Opps, did I say that?)
Speaking of parties and all, let dear old dancer here tell you one thing, alcohol, best friends, and about a year of built up sexual tension never, ever, ever, in the history of the whole world ever makes for a good mix. Seriously, drinking beer before liquor might be a better outcome and that's saying something. So, for sake of argument lets just say that well I and suspect number two in question here may or may not have decided that while drunk, it would be a perfectly wonderful great amazing idea to leave said club in question early and head to the car. Now, the hypothetical I as well as suspect number two were sitting in the car, drunk, bored, and trying not to think of what the other may or may not be thinking. So, as every awkward encounter goes the scene played out like so:
Suspect number two: (As he shifts in his seat a few times) "You know how we had that conversation?
Hypothetical I: (Glances at thankful for the car garage's shady lighting system) "Oh…yeah, I can remember that."
Suspect number two: (Nods mumbling to himself as in deep thought, or to stall, we don't really know at this point) "That's good. I mean, because that conversation would be awkward to have again.
Hypothetical I: (Makes the same nodding movement) "Well, yeah. I mean not that it was bad or anything, because… I…"
Suspect number two: "You?"
Hypothetical I: "Um… I like unicorns.."
Suspect number two: "Come on, you're not that drunk."
Hypothetical I: (Thinking damn) "Uh hu…"
Suspect number two: "I mean… we could, you know to get it out of the way…"
Hypothetical I: "Yes! I mean, it would only help, right?
Suspect number two: "Right, and it wont change our friendship?"
Hypothetical I: "Of course! I mean, we're biffles. Come on now."
Suspect number two: "That's right.. now um, how do we?"
Hypothetical I: "Well we could… or you could… it…"
Now this is the part where any logical person would just do it or start something, or anything. Regardless whether neither party wanted to be the one who started it in case later blame happened or both were just way to drunk and scared, said action, or any action, never happened. Though, it did start something, more then something. While it did start a later strand of hookups (and no, I will not play those scenes out, use your imaginations if you feel that pervy) it also started one of the weirdest, and closets bonds I've ever experienced in my life. Yeah, yeah, it sounds super cliché but it's true. I never actually thought I'd be the kind of hookup person (though I don't like calling them hookups, they're more then that, deeper) I am, only with that person though. It's weird, and call me a whore all you want, but I guess that's just how we work. I don't know for now, I don't know what will happen to us, and it sure as hell scares me to even begin thinking about it. But it somehow makes me feel a little safer, knowing I can have that one person that I can go to for anything, and they have my best interest in mind, and I have theirs.
So, that's me for you. Kind of weird right? I have a lot to figure out, but that's what growing up is for. So for now, welcome to my crazy life.