Chapter 2
Zach stared out his window into the sky. What in the world were his parents thinking? He thought back to their conversation.
"You must marry this girl," his dad said sternly.
"Why?," he shoved his hand through his hair, "This is absurd- we live in 21st century America. You can't force me into a marriage."
His father looked at him with fierce eyes and laid down the law, "You will lose Valencio if you do not. I will appoint a new CEO at the next board meeting."
Zach opened his mouth to retaliate, but his father continued, "Which is in six months."
He looked at his father stunned. Marry Valerie Parv or lose a decade's worth of work, his company: Valencio.
I watched my Marketing Director walk into the building.
"Do you think she knows what's about to happen?" I asked Mike
Mike, my Contract Specialist, had his feet on my desk and reclined in his chair, "No. Poor Val."
"Listen, I know you two are close. You do understand you can't tell her?" I turned around.
"My mom and Val are close. I'm apparently just the annoying little brother," He scoffed.
I smirked, "Good. Don't tell anyone."
"Yeah yeah. Do you really think it's a good idea to actually tell her the truth?"
"Michael, what other options are available?" I sighed at him. What else could I do except tell her the truth. It could work- a marriage of convenience. She could have the name, money, and power. I'd keep my company.
"Dude, this is Val we're talking about. Val would never go for that type of life. She will knock you down so fast you won't have time to blink.," Mike let out a laugh in exasperation.
"Help me think of another me another way."
"Wine and dine her," He shrugged, "I'm not really sure anything else could work."
Wine and dine her? No, thanks.
I stretched in my bed- or rather my old bed at my parents house. I had decided to spend the night, much to my mother's excitement.
There was a knock on the door and my mother's voice behind it, "Valerie, it's 8 o''ll be late if you don't hurry up!"
It took a second for that to register before I started struggling with my blankets. I stampeded into the bathroom to get ready. I really couldn't afford to be late again or Mr. Ngo would probably chop my head off.
Thirty minutes later, I proceeded down the stairs and straight to the car in hopes to avoid my mother, Carol Parv.
"Oh, darling! You can't leave without breakfast!" She caught me at the door. Almost.
"Mom, I really can't be late today," I kissed her cheek, "We'll do this again soon."
I ran out before she could reply and jumped into my car. As I drove to work, I couldn't help wonder what today would hold. As unexcited as I was to start working on Verbaas, I couldn't help but smile.
As I walked into the office building, I thought about last night. My mother was so trilled at having me home. I'll admit, it was nice to spend time with them. But something seemed off- they seemed to be hiding something. But what could it have been? Some new plot in the T.V. show they're into? Gossip about the neighbors? But they're homebodies. They could care less what the girl on the Bachlorette said to the other girl. I wonder-
"Valarie! See me in my office!"
I flinched as Mr. Ngo's shrilling voice screamed past my ear as he zoomed by.
"You don't have to yell Mr. Ngo!" I replied to his back.
I sighed and shook my head. I had no clue why that man detested me. But I walked after him toward his office wondering what it could be that I did wrong now.
"Close the door," he sat down, "Please."
"What can I do for you Mr. Ngo?"
"This whole project that you're going to start...with Michael." He paused.
I gave him a minute. Was he trying to take it away from me? "Yes?"
"It's not moving fast enough. I want to see more results."
I sighed- thank god. "Mr. Ngo, Michael is a stubborn man. I need some time to drill the facts into his head," I got up and headed for the door, "And if that is all, I'll get back to work."
He mumbled something and I laughed as I walked out, "Mr. Ngo, I would never date that man!"
Michael Verbaas is the President and CEO of Verbaas & Co.. They partner with big corporations for a multitude of consulting areas- similar to what Valencio does. Valencio has been attempting to gain bigger fire power and is making the attempt to buy Verbaas & Company. However, Mr. Verbaas, well let's just say he's insistent.
I, as Marketing Director, really have no influence in buying out a company. However, I met Michael at a Christmas party at Valencio years back and he asked me on a date. I politely declined (of course), but when Mr. Valencio heard about this, he asked me to step into the process to convince him to sign the papers.
I shook my head again as I sat down at my desk.
"Knock knock, kiddo."
I smiled up at Mary who was standing at my door, "Good Morning, Mary. How are you today?"
"Well, and you dear?" She came over to sit down on the chair in front of the desk.
I leaned on the desk closer to her, "Guess what happened this morning! Mr. Ngo pulled me into his office as soon as I walked in telling me to hurry up with Verbaas." I laughed.
"Oh dear me, Gary Ngo is tad bit crazy."
I agreed, "I told him Michael is stubborn and I'm doing my best. And do you know what he mumbled? That I should just go on that date he keeps asking me for and he'd agree to anything!" I laughed again. Mr. Ngo was such a sourpuss- He even preferred to be called 'Mr. Ngo'. Mary laughed as well, "You can't!"
"Mary, you know I would never. Alright- time to start the day. Any messages this morning?"
Mary is my secretary. She's also one of my closest friends, a second mother, a guardian angel. You could take your pick, she has been with me through some of my roughest times and vice versa. Some would think working together would hurt, but after 8 years I really couldn't function without her!
"Well, speaking of Michael, his secretary called and asked if you could meet him at noon with the papers he asked about."
She grinned as she left the office, "Make sure you wear something nice."
"It just has to be noon, doesn't it."
HEY GUYS! Small update- also just rearranging some stuff. Please encourage me to keep writing- I want to know what you think!