Mom fell down the stairs, she ended up breaking her leg, she has been accident prone this whole year.
"I am alright!" She called out, clear brown eyes looking down at her broken leg.
I almost laughed but controlled myself, instead, I dialed my dad's number "Yeah...again….okay." I hung up and sighed, then walked passed her and grab the car's key, after that, I drove mom to the hospital where she was put in a cast.
This was great, we were suppose to be moving by tomorrow, to Ashton, NY and leaving Ithaca, NY, which was freezing. Mom went to her room and I went to the kitchen, making myself a sandwich.
After that, I spend the night listening to ARR,AM which was a radio show about aliens and the government conspiracy, really interesting stuff. My mind floated, imagining myself as a spirit, or waking up only to find out that I am in a different world, I am an alien now and...and I am a prince, now everyone that ever ignored me is in awe, bowing down. Yeah, those are the good times.
The next day, I walked down, meeting amber green eyes, and shaved, black hair "Hey, sports." Dad greeted, a glass of water in hand "Ready for the new move?" he asked me.
Dad was a lawyer, we were always moving due to his job, it was something that I have grown use to.
"Yes" was my reply, pouring some orange juice, the last bit left, and drank it. We heard mom moving around and sighed, looking at each other. My dad and I have always been close, there was a time when I was closer to my mom...but things change, people change.
Minutes later, mom was walking down the stairs, I saw her flaming red hair, which was in a pixie cut and felt my eye twitch slightly, I could tell dad was with me.
"Anne, what is that hideous thing? Take it off" Dad ordered, looking away from the puffy, bright yellow dress that had frogs designs….yes, frog designs.
"This is good luck, Eugene, we need it" She replied, pouting, her eyes already watering "Beranabus, tell your father I look great" those watery eyes stared at me, I looked away boredly.
"...What a heartless son I have! Fine, I'll take it off!" She screamed, tears rolling down her tanned cheek as she stormed, rather awkwardly, back up the stairs, as if she was a teenager, yeah, that was gone.
"Well that was hideous, finish getting ready, Bran, we are leaving in ten minutes" Unlike mom, who always uses my full name, dad had understood since I was very young, just how messed up that name was and has always called me Bran, which made people usually think that my name was Brandon, I never corrected them.
I went and got dressed, staring at my lanky figure for a second then put on a warm, dark sweater, unlike in Ashton, NY, where it would be around 80 degree Fahrenheit, it was 34 Degree Fahrenheit here in Ithaca, that was something I was not going to miss.
Once down, I rose an eyebrow calmly, mom had on a hideous, bright yellow skirt which had the equally hideous dark green frogs with a bright yellow top, that had on the face of a frog, she also had frog earrings to go with it, I felt like ripping those clothes off but just walked passed her.
"I tried to tell her that she looks ridiculous, but she doesn't seem to understand." Dad told me, I gave a nod and stared at my mom.
"You look hideous." I bluntly told her, the last thing I heard before I went to our 2005 Jeep car was:
"What a heartless son I have, an alien!"
We drove a few hours upstate to Ashton, the new house was made of red bricks with a large enough lawn that mom could actually make a decent size garden, we also had those neighborhood police car on watch 24/7.
The movers already had everything inside the house since around 2 weeks ago, I quickly left to my room, dropping on the black sheets and stared up at the ceiling, someone had drawn a stick figure on it and a unicorn.
After a while, I walked out of it, having to take off my hoodie and wear a simple, plain, black shirt with my jeans and converse sneakers. I heard mom in the room and realized that dad left already, he was probably at his office by now.
Making sure I grabbed my keys, I walked out of the door and began to explore the neighborhood, which had a small forest surrounding it. My feet took me there, going in deeper, in one of the large, oak tree, I noticed a carving and read it.
"Beware of Unicorn" it said, I smiled slightly, imagining the untold stories about Unicorns and aliens, wow, the people here were so dedicated that they even warned others about it!
I read it again and frowned "Beware of sharp stones." that made more sense, too bad for the untold stories about those Unicorns, huh.
After that, I finished walking around, going back home where I ended up eating ice cream for dinner.
This is how it went, mom had cooked some chicken, which still looked red, with a bit of rice, I had looked at it in disgust and pushed it away.
"You are such a bully, how could I have such a cruel son? I don't know who you are anymore, Beranabus!" After that, she awkwardly stormed off, tripping and getting back up quickly, I heard her bedroom door slam.
At night, I stared up at the strange stick figure and imagined myself being an alien again, who would be the new group that would stare at me in awe, this time? In the morning, I got dressed for school. The guys had to wear a black, blaze uniform that had a white, button up shirt and black, dressed pants as well as a tie. The girls had on black skirts, with a white blouse and black, bow ties.
For the assembly, and yes, we had an assembly, it was a private high school, we were seated in alphabetical order.
"Hey, you are new, right? I am sooo glad you are here, I was getting tired of sitting next to Desmond for so many years, between you and me, he's really strange" A petite, blond hair and green eyes girl told me, she was pretty, in a doll type of way. "I am Alison Welson, and you are?"
"...Bran Winter" I tried really hard not to focus on her, she was too….bubbly, for me, especially so early in the morning, after a night without sleep yet again.
"Bran! OMG, is that short for Brandon?" she asked me excited, it was hard not to let my eye twitch in annoyance, she was probably interested since I was new, not as if there was anything interesting about me. My eyes were a plain hazel color and my hair was an ashen blond color.
"...Mmm" I responded, not really correcting her as I kept looking up at the stage, wondering when this would start.
"Anyways, Bran, be prepare, Desmond is really scary, we all fake buried him once and then, when he came back, we called him Vampire boy, haha!" She clutched her stomach as if it was really that funny.
"...That was mean" I commented, wondering how this Desmond guy looked like.
"Ah, yeah, but we were kids, so it's fine!" She replied, giving me a wink.
A minute or so later, a tall, graceful looking boy came, but what caught my eye was just how white he was, like powder, his hair a dark red...but what surprised me was his silver eyes, overall, he really did look like a vampire.
He had on a long, black blaze jacket, even though it was so hot, with the uniform underneath him, his face was a cold mask.
"Oh no, it's Vampire boy!" Alison called out then giggled when she saw the slightly annoyed stare from Desmond. "Sorry, Desmond, had to do it for old time sake" She told him with a grin, I heard a grunt in reply.
"Hey, Desmond~" Allison called out, but was ignored "Desmond, I know you hear me, Mister" she added with a slight pout.
"Alison Welson, please shut up" He grit out, glaring at her, it made me freeze as well.
Luckily, before Alison could say anything else, a short, chubby man, cleared his throat and began to talk. I almost laughed when I heard his voice.
"Shtudentsh, Shtudentsh, shettle down!" I was glad not to be in the front as he kept spitting out, his voice sounding high pitch and almost annoyingly feminine, he also seemed like he had a lockjaw.
"Today is the first day of school, make shure to sheck your schedule and go to the correct homeroom, now it ish time to shing our school anthem!" He proceeded, soon enough everyone was singing along:
"Be brave you little souls,
with eyes shaped like warriors,
No matter where you come from,
Leaders come in all form.
From east,
From West,
Or north,
Be brave, you little souls!" Or at least I think that was what was sang, it sounded strange.
"Have a wonderful day, Shtudentsh!" Principal Shmith, yes, that was what he called himself, called out.
After that, we all went to get our schedules, I looked at my classes and walked to my locker, which, just like everything, was Alphabetize.
I was between Alison and Desmond again, opening the dark green locker and began to decorate it with the drawings I had of mom and me, back when she use to be cool. There was one where mom had pose as an alien, her eyes were purple and her hair was a sky blue, her body had been painted blue as well, with a tight fitted, dark blue suit, her expression was haughty and mighty. I tried the same thing, with my dark blue robes, hair painted sky blue as well, but my expression looked more scared and confused then haughty and mighty.
We had some of us posting like angels, astronaut and even had one where we were fairies, after that, I digged around, found an ARR, AM sticker and slap it inside my locker, I put my books inside, closed the door and jumped when I saw Desmond.
He had noticed my sticker, I tried to smile at him, looking like a grimace "Hello!" he just walked right past me.
During homeroom, he passed me a note, it read "Sombre Night, AM, 401-DV" I realized it was a radio station and brightened up, I tried to look at him, to thank him, but he was boredly looking out the window, truly looking like a vampire.
'What a strange person' I thought, looking back at the paper once more.
A.N;/ I apologize for any error, I also apologize for having been gone for so long. This is my newest story, I will still continue Love Me. Thank you for reading, please read and review, also keep reading!
Disclaimer: Ashton, NY is a town I created, the radio stations used belong to me as well, what does not belong to me is Jeep.