The next day, I waited for Desmond to arrive, we were in the assembly once more and Allison was blabbering about something or another. For some reason, she seems to think that I am her new best friend, but I reckon that it was simply because I was new and hadn't grown up with them.

When Desmond finally arrived, I waited for Allison to get distracted and turned to look at him "...I listened to the station you gave me, they seem really interesting...and I heard you last night."

"Bran Winter, I did not give you the station name to become best friend, now leave me alone." With that, he went back to looking froward, ending our conversation.

I blinked and looked at him, then looked away when Principal Shmith began to talk, clearing his throat.

"Shtudentsh, Shtudentsh, shettle down shtudentsh!" Everyone grew quiet and stared at him, wondering what he would talk about this morning.

"Today, clubsh will be open, make shure to shign up" He then proceeded to give the name of the clubs and who were the captains and whatnot.

I tuned out the sound for a while, until I heard Desmond's name, that's actually how I found out his last name as well, rather fitting for a vampire boy. I wish I had an alien name but it was just a really old and complicated name.

"Deshmond Vladimirovich, Photographing and Yearbook director." Guess I found out what I was joining, never would I have thought that Desmond would actually join anything in the school.

My eyes moved to look at him, but he remained quiet and the assembly ended. We moved to our lockers, Allison having run when she saw Aly, something about a homework she forgot to do. This, of course, left me alone with Desmond, who looked rather calm and as graceful as ever.

"Hey, Desmond!" I called, running to catch up to him, I was completely ignored while he opened his locker, taking out a book. "We should go to Mihael's party." I suggested with that grimace smile of mine, I was starting to get use to it. Of course, he completely ignored me and walked away.

After school, I went to the Yearbook and Photography club's room, luckily, I had quite a few pictures to show them. Desmond was the one to look at it "You can join." He told me with a slight smirk. "I like the style."

It had been pictures of mom and me, back when she wasn't crazy and we could talk. There was one where we looked like demons, she was painted a dark red color, wearing pale red contacts and a bright red wig, which looked like long hair, to finish it off, she had a red, tight fitted dress, with long nails and red high heels. She had a seductive expression on her face, I was next to her, dressed in a black suit, with white fangs, long, black hair and my skin was painted white, my eyes a jet black color as were the white part of my eyes, I even had on black lipsticks, unlike mom, I looked as if I was going to be sick. Mom used to be a great actress before she went crazy.

I also had the fairy pictures, a drawing of us looking like half animal and a few older one, each having their own theme. It was nice to see Desmond smiling at me, even if it didn't last long. I had a theory about Desmond, he could be a hybrid between a Vampire and Alien, he would be a wonderful model for my photographs and drawing.

"Eeee-ooOoo-Eeee" I replied happily, that grimace smile coming back as I looked at him while he watched me confused.

"What the hell is that?" He asked with a scoff, long, pale fingers going to run through those dark locks.

"That's alien for 'Thank you'!" With that, I turned around and left, feeling happy that I had been accepted into the club and that Desmond had actually smiled at me.

Once home, I saw mom, she was wearing a frog shaped dress with a frog cap on her head, all in all, she looked ridiculous and I made sure to tell her that rather bluntly "You look ridiculous dressed like that."

"You are such a heartless son! When did I give birth to an alien?!" She shouted, her eyes watering. I looked away boredly and ignored her tantrum, even watching her run off, trip and get back up, once more, the bedroom door was slammed.

"Eeee-Meee-Eee-Booop." That was alien for 'I don't care.' Mom has a year acting like this, by now I am immune to her words and have grown used to the fact that she was gone, instead, I was stuck with a crazy and clumsy woman. I remember when we used to eat ice cream together and watch horrible movies while laughing at the actors, one of our favorite, worst movie of all time was Mac and Me which was rated one of the worst films ever created, it was about this kid in a wheelchair that befriended an alien and it was suppose to be like E.T but clearly that failed.

When I went back downstairs to eat dinner, mom had 3 of her left fingers bandaged with frog band-aids. She was trying to cook chicken with something that even I couldn't identify. Once she saw me, she blinked then went back to working on the chicken. "I am eating ice-cream." I told her boredly, grabbing the large cup of cookies with creams ice-cream, it was from the brand BIE, mom and I used to joke, telling dad that we were going to buy BIE, a double play on the word since it sounded alike.

"You never appreciate me, Beranabus! What a cruel alien of a child I have, you are so heartless!" She screamed, her eyes watering as she began to cry. I made sure to quickly escape to my room.

I waited quietly, waiting for Sombre,AM to start, my eyes moving back up to the stick figure in my ceiling and the deformed unicorn that was next to it.

"Sid: Hello and welcome everyone to Sombre, AM, I am your host Sid Hawthorne. Be sure to call at 914-976-1213, now for our first caller of the night.

[Strange jingle with flute, piano and violin plays]

First Caller: Ello, Sid! This is Cat, I am feeling really blue today, been listening to Angelus Lapsus today and their music seem to shoot me a dose of blues.

Sid: Hello, Cat. Ah, their music is quite sad but wonderful, I hope that you feel better. Let's see if any of our listeners can help you out tonight.

Cat: Oh, thank you Sid, you are a sweetie pie and thanks to everyone else!

[Cat hangs up, a new caller arrives]

New Caller: Hello, Sid. I wanted to tell Cat to feel better, maybe this song will cheer her up a bit.

[Starts singing]

A lonely cat walks by,

with eyes full with tears,

I want to make it fine,

and wipe away those tears.

Who knows what kind of life,

This poor cat has led,

But all I want to do now,

Is make the cat okay,

Yeah all I want to do now,

Is make the cat okay.

Sid: Thank you, Leon, that was wonderful, I am sure that Cat is listening.

Leon: No problem, Sid, I hope that cheered her up a bit. Now good morning/night everyone.

[Leon hangs up.]

Sid: Alright, next caller for the night, again, the number is 914-976-1213.

[New caller]

Mertrud: Hello, Sid, dear. I wrote a poem for Cat….I was wondering if it would be alright to read it to her.

Sid: Go ahead, Mertrud. I am sure she appreciates it.

Metrud: [Starts reading]

To my dear friend Cat,

Who is feeling real blue,

Remember that you have friends,

That will follow you.

To my dear friend Cat,

Who seem to catch the blues,

Look up at the night sky,

I will make sure to look at it too.

Sid: Thank you, Mertrud, that was lovely. I am sure that Cat is listening to it and appreciating your kindness.

Mertrud: Oh, you are welcome Sid! Now Cat dear, feel better! Good night/morning everyone.

Sid: Alright, we are now going into our night trip in the magical carpet! I will need 5 callers.

[New caller]

Mihael: Hello,I shall join your quest tonight, Sid!

Sid: Thank you, Mihael. Now we need 4 more callers.

[Next caller]

New caller 2: H-Hello, Sid, I w-would love to join, i-if you would accept me.

Sid: Hello, Betty, so glad to hear from you again! How are the puppies?

Betty: T-They are f-fine, t-thank you.

Sid: You are welcome. Now three more callers for us to depart in our magical carpet.

[Caller # 3]

Caller 3: Hey-Ho, I wanna ride with you guys too!

Sid: Hello, Bob, so glad to hear from you tonight as well. How are your daughters?

Bob: Oh, they are wonderful! Pix just learned how to walk recently, why, she's been running around and tripping!

Sid: That sounds great. Now 2 more callers for us to go on the adventure.

[Caller # 4]

Vampire Boy: Hello Syd, I would like to join as well. Also, I wanted to tell Leon and Mertrud that their piece were amazing and I wanted to tell Cat that I hope she cheers up, we are all rooting for her.

Sid: Thank you, Vampire Boy, I am sure that all three of them appreciate it. We need one more person to call and then we will take off."

I hesitated then quickly dialed the number, thinking of Desmond, surely he wanted me to connect with everyone in the radio.

"Sid: Hello and welcome, fifth caller.

Alien Boy: Hello...I am Alien Boy, I would like to go with you in this adventure.

Sid: Wonderful! Now everyone hold on while we drive around in the magical carpet.

Betty: T-This is l-lovely! I-I can see the D-Dracos water fountain from h-here, it's changing c-colors!

Bob: I can see the park that's filled with flowers and vegetables!

Vampire Boy: Hold on tightly, Alien Boy, or you just might fall.

Alien Boy: W-Wow….I can see Mars from here!

Vampire Boy: I think you mean Jupiter.

Alien Boy: Oh...yeah.

Mihael: I see Jupiter as well, Hello other beings!

Sid: Well, now it's time for us to head back, everyone! Wave goodbye.

Betty: I t-think I see M-Mertrud, and C-Cat. G-Goodnight.

Bob: Good Night!

Mihael: Goodnight other wordly beings!

Vampire Boy: Goodnight everyone, Goodnight Alien Boy.

Alien Boy: Goodnight Vampire Boy, Goodnight everyone."

I hung up and sighed, feeling the grimace smile come back, then I fell asleep, dreaming about the magical carpet and everyone. In the morning when I woke up, I did my usual morning routine and got dressed, then went down to eat breakfast.

Mom had on a frog bathrobe, her hair was wild and she had on frog, PJ shoes. I simply shook my head and went to grab an apple, it was green and tasted sour, just the way I liked it.

"Beranabus, get me a glass of water." Her voice sounded as if she had been crying, which she probably has, her eyes were pink and puffy, another way to show me that she had been crying. I sighed softly and got her the glass of water. She took it and drank it while taking a small, white pill, which belong to her Migraine pack.

"Tonight we'll have chicken with rice." Mom added, sighing softly while closing her eyes. The house was a mess, I cleaned some parts and dad would clean other. We had frog curtains in the kitchen and bathroom as well as frog carpet in the bathroom, all in all, frogs were invading our life.

"Mom….can we not eat chicken today." I was tired of it and honestly felt like throwing away, maybe send it to Mars but even they might grow tired of the stupid chicken.

"You are so heartless, Beranabus!" And with that came the tears, I almost told her how ridiculous she looked, but instead I decided to walk away, feeling a migraine myself.

Why did I have such a crazy mother?

A.N:/ Bonjour, everyone! I apologize for any errors I made and wish to thank AndAwaySheFlies for the review. I also want to thank everyone who has been reading this story. The movie that he named one of the worst in the world is actually real, I googled what are some of the worst movies in history and that came out. Other than that, everything else is mine, including the song and poem for Cat.

Please read and review! Follows and everything else is also welcome.