Here is the first chapter of my new story. Hope you like it.
Bella listened to the same song on the radio that she had been for days. Although she hadn't heard of Ace despite his fame, she had heard a song when she was walking past one of his Gigs on her way back from work and had become smitten. Her boyfriend, Mark had become annoyed at her recent infatuation to the singer and had tried to tell her that she had no hope of being with him ever although she didn't care. While he had been telling her, she had been dreaming about going to Hawaii with her Ace while they lay on the beach, sipping cocktails while watching the sunsets. Mark hadn't noticed her lack of concentration and had believed the words had sunken in. They had, in a way. Bella knew that now she had to be more secretive about her obsession. A new car where she could keep all her CDs without Mark snooping was perfect.
She hummed along even though it was just the instrumental part because she just felt like it and she knew exactly how it went. She almost felt sorry for Mark. I mean, here she was listening to the songs of an artist she liked, no, loved and he could never compete with THE Ace. Ace was perfect from his tousled brown hair to the freckle a centimetre above his lip. He was like an angel.
She turned the corner back to her flat with Mark. She parked outside and sat there with her eyes closed, mentally preparing herself for her home life. Before she went in, she always had to prepare herself or she wouldn't be able to survive everyday. Although she had once been in love with Mark, after hearing Ace's records, she had transferred all her affections to him, much to Mark's annoyance. Finally after about five minutes, she got out the car and went into the apartment building. She walked up to her floor and got out her keys to open her door. She half hoped that Mark had changed the locks and she would be forced to live elsewhere, but the door opened easily.
'Hi Honey!' Mark said, emerging from the kitchen in an apron saying 'World's Best Boyfriend', a present on his birthday last year. Ironic. He leaned in to kiss her but she moved her face so his lips ended up brushing her cheek instead. She smiled although it was fake. She wanted to love him back, he was the ideal boyfriend but Ace appealed to her more. Mark frowned slightly at her turning away so she just told him he would mess up her foundation. He shrugged and smile, then went back into the kitchen.
'I've made a lasagne with yellow tomatoes in the sauce. Not Red!' Mark called from the kitchen. Even if she wasn't in love with Mark, he was still the nicest guy she knew. This was part of the problem, at least if he was horrible, she could have an excuse to break up with him but he was so nice she just couldn't make herself. Mark brought the lasagne out on her favourite plate. Why was he doing this? It was just an ordinary day so there was no reason for it.
'So, how was your day?' Mark said as he sat down at the table. She noticed he had given her the larger portion.
'Fine. Work was quite good, I had that business meeting thing.' She said, seeing if he was still paying attention. He was. She looked back at her lasagne and continued,
'Me and Kara got burritos at the new café that opened up near us. Not much else. You?' She asked.
'Just cleaned up a bit. Did a bit of painting. I started a new one today, it's called Bella Di Maria: Mystique,' he said. Bella smiled at this. He carried on, ' Also I went down to the DVD store and got that film, Endless Winter that you liked. I thought we could watch it again later.' She nodded.
'What's with all the ideal boyfriend stuff?' She asked.
'I think you know...' Mark said smiling. Bella looked confused. Mark's smile lessened, 'It's our one year anniversary.' Bella just looked down. It was clear she had forgotten.
Mark looked a little disheartened. 'Never mind. After you've finished we can watch the DVD together.' Mark said with an optimistic look. Bella smiled, happy he had forgiven her so easily. She just wished he wasn't so nice. Then she could leave him for her Ace.
Ace played the last part of the chorus to 'Grey Summer days' on his guitar. As it was the last song, he didn't even need to sing it, the fans knew it already. After he'd finished, the crown roared, begging for more but that song was already an encore and although he loved playing his songs, he was tired.
'Thank you all for coming tonight! It means a lot that all of you wonderful fans turned up!' He shouted into the microphone. He winked into a random section of the audience, causing a group of fans there to scream even harder. He waved one last time, and did the 'Rock on' sign before running off stage. His tour managed, Marcia, herded him into his dressing room.
'Dear God, you look awful. Better fix that for the after party.' Ace's head sunk. He had forgotten about that. As if he wasn't worn out already he had to endure all the fans, especially the girls, clawing at him for several hours. Still, there was always a desperate lonely girl there who was hot and was hungry for a piece of him. It didn't make him feel better permanently but at least until the next gig when he'd get the rush of playing and being literally adored. If it didn't last until then, he could at least leave and get some coffee to give him some buzz.
Marcia called his stylists over who both gasped at his tired look. They muttered between themselves while they rushed to get the makeup. They touched him up a bit until the dark circles were gone and his skin was like alabaster so it would glow in the strobe lighting. He looked flawless and although he despised it, he was used to it. The stylists were only trying to help.
'Now for the after party, Gina Celoni is there and is interested in doing a duet with you for her new song, 'Losing you to her'. Remember, agree as this could mean BIG MONEY.' Ace almost sniggered at the 'original' title, Gina had come up with. Originally her songs were amazing but overtime they had become pretty awful. He nodded unenthusiastically causing Marcia to frown. 'Ace, would it kill you to look a little...' She waved her hands trying to make him understand,' Perky? I mean you LOOK great but you clearly don't feel it inside and others will see it too. SMILE!' She said smiled as she said but her tone made it seem like an order. Ace smiled. Marcia nodded and walked away to go talk to somebody or file some papers. Something like that. Ace sat down, relaxing a little before the party came.
His relaxing didn't seem to last long before Marcia herded him into the party. When he arrived, the music stopped and Marcia announced his arrival. Everybody cheered and as he walked into the crowd, people shook his hand, congratulated him and some girls made 'the eyes' at him. He was going to have a lot of choice tonight. He did what he always did, headed for the martinis table and drink until drink then dance and socialise. He wouldn't remember anything so that could be his excuse to Marcia if he 'embarrassed himself and her as well'. She didn't believe him but as he could easily fire her she would ALWAYS let it slide, 'just one more time'.
After several martinis he caught Marcia's eye from across the room and nodded in the direction of Gina. Ace nodded and headed over. Gina's eyes lit up at his arrival and she immediately went for a kiss on each cheek. Although he was used to it, he still found it weird kissing somebody he didn't know.
'So... great concert tonight. The crowd was on fire! I could hear it from backstage. Five encores? That HAS to be some sort of record, darling!' She said in a practised tone. He smiled and thanked her, waiting for her to get to the point.
'Anyway, let's not beat around the bush. I think you would sound FABULOUS in my new song, 'Losing you to her'. I have a part of the chorus and as I was reading it, I could hear your voice singing it. Literally.' Gina said, 'So what do you say. Our managers can discuss all the details but I felt it would be nice to speak up front too. After all we will be spending a lot...' Her eyes dropped for a second, 'of time together.' She smiled at Ace in a suggestive way. Ace nodded and agreed to it. She smiled and muttered something about chemistry before disappearing into the crowd. Ace checked with Marcia who mouthed 'Perfect'. Ace smiled, he had nailed it.
Ace scanned the room looking for his next one night stand. In the corner was a blond girl with blue highlight wearing an oversized 'Ace' fan T-shirt. Over her eye she had a black handprint drawn in mascara. He was oddly touched by the handprint as that was his logo so he decided to head over to her. As he walked he noticed her body language. This wasn't what she had expected, probably just a fan who was randomly picked to come to the party. He felt sorry for her and convinced himself that by going over, he was brightening her day and night...
'Hey,' She looked up and looked pleasantly surprised, 'Enjoy the Gig?' he said as he sat behind her. She nodded nervously and said something that was inaudible due to the new track that was playing which literally drowned out any other nice. He smiled and nodded. 'Wanna go somewhere where we can talk?' he mouthed. Although she couldn't hear, she clearly understood. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the party. As he left, he could see Marcia out of the corner of his shaking her head in disgust at him walking off with this new girl. He guessed she would lecture him on scandals and breaking hearts wherever he went but he didn't care. He lived for the moment and right now as he headed off, with a girl he later found out was called Ani, the moment was looking good...