15 years, 8 months after the breakup


Ace walked into the graveyard and immediately headed towards the old Willow tree to the grave of Linda Parker. He put flowers on there every day in the morning just like he had done for the past three years even though Jasmine had told him that they would last for longer. Even though Linda had finally succumbed to the cancer three years ago he still missed her. She was his wife for heavens sake, he wasn't going to ever stop. He placed the down lovingly.
'Here you are, Linda.' he said. His son, Barney always said that since Linda had died, he had become an old man but Ace had disagreed. He still felt sprightly. He never stayed long at the graveyard, he didn't really like the atmosphere but he wanted to go, to see Linda's grave.

When he got home, Jasmine was sitting in the magnolia tree, sketching the house - again. Since Linda's death, Ace had relocated himself and his three children, Jasmine, Barney and Penelope to the countryside away from the city. He didn't want to be a has-been Rockstar living in the city anymore and he wanted the kids to have a fresh start, especially Barney and Penelope as they had just lost their mother. Jasmine could've stayed with her mum if she had wanted but she chose to live in the white gabled house he had bought in the village. She enjoyed sketching the scenery.
'Have a nice walk?' She asked casually from the tree, her eyes not leaving the paper.
'Yes. I did.' He said.
'Barney wanted to talk to you.' She said, her long blond hair whipping into her face causing her to frown and toss it back.
'No clue. He just said it was important.'
'Where is he?'
'Living room.'
'No problem.'

He walked into the living room, putting his coat onto the hooks as he walked through the corridor. His son was sitting in the living room.
'Dad, you know we have a new teacher.'
'Yes. What about it?'
'Well, she recognised your name when I said it. She said she knew you. She was pretty, dark hair and tanned.'
'What was her name?'
'Mrs Di Maria. She had divorced recently and that's why she had come here. So do you know her?'
'Yes. I did. I haven't seen her in 15 years though.'
'You should go visit her. Say hi. She lives next to the school I saw her going home.'
'Maybe I will.' Ace smiled. If this wasn't fate what was.

This was the last chapter and I just felt like sort of giving it a happy-ish ending which is why it is quite short as I just made it to wrap the story up :) Thankyou all for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it :)