The Broken Record kept repeating itself...

She couldn't shut it off.

She didn't know how.

What's wrong with you?

Why don't you get it?

If only they would leave her alone,

but no, they had to make her into a PRODUCTIVE HUMAN BEING.

Why don't you finish school?

Why don't you get your degree?

Why can't you pass the math?

What's wrong with you?

"You just need to do it. What's your problem?"

"You're making it harder on yourself."

Why can't you get a job?

Why can't you get a better job?

Why don't you get paid more?

What's your problem?

Stop wasting time.

What are you DOING?

What are you going to do WITH YOUR LIFE?

Why can't you be normal?

Why can't you be like everyone else?

What's your goddamn problem?

They didn't know it wasn't her fault.

They were the problem, not her.

Why should she go to school and get a useless degree that wouldn't get her a good job?

Why should she work at some crappy job, to get paid less and have nothing in return?

Why should she be normal and be like everyone else?

If you don't straighten up, you're 'gonna get locked up.

They're 'gonna lock you up if you keep thinking those thoughts.

"You need medication."

"You need to be put in the hospital."

"You need to be diagnosed."

They never knew what they did to her.

How they made her suffer...

They wouldn't leave her alone.

The only way to make the record stop was to break the machine...

break the machine...

break... the... machine...

...make it...
