Don't force your beliefs on others, whether they are political, religious, or personal beliefs. Don't cheat on your exams. Don't steal from someone's house. Never be rude to those who work in customer service. Try not to hold grudges at work. After all, you don't know how long you will have to put up with difficult coworkers.
If you're not happy on your first date with a person, don't plan a second. Don't waste time. Don't drink your life away. Don't fuck your life away. I recommend that you don't meet up with someone you've met over the internet. Don't drop out of school. Don't kill yourself over your shitty ex. Don't hurt yourself. Don't let your income, your history, or your size tell you how much you're worth. Don't start smoking at a young age. If you're too young to work, don't allow someone between your legs. There's no need to post personal information on your webpage. Unless, you want an undesirable individual to follow you to the mall, or call you. Do not meet potential mates at the shopping plaza.
Don't disrespect your parents. Do not pick on those weaker than you, including animals. They have emotions and are capable of feeling pain. However, they are far more loyal than humans so treat your pets well.
Lie as little as possible. Be brutally honest but not vulnerable. Censor yourself when appropriate. Look at positive images and quotes. Lay out in the sun during your free time. The sun will automatically make you feel happy. Drink coffee. When you first start, it takes awhile to get used to the taste, but you will. Drink plenty of milk. Alcohol is good to unwind but should not be used excessively.
Sex is always better with someone you love. Don't be a wuss when it involves "going down" on someone who goes down on you. If things are going well, keep them going well. Relationships require the participation and passion of two. Christmas cards and birthday cards are always a great idea and recommended to give to your significant other. Every woman loves getting flowers, even if she doesn't classify herself as girly. If you are in love, let no one stand in the way to be with your significant other. Every woman loves a writer and no one likes a message limited to "kk's," "lols," and "lawls." I would not know what the fuck you're trying to say! Scrapbooks are always a sweet present. Hand written love notes will remain in style. Candles, rose peddles, and champagne are a good idea. Go on vacation together when an opportunity arises! When in a long distance relationship, communicate daily. Calls are always preferred to texts.
Try listening to old music. Everything will start to make sense. Try not to let ideas branch off to the point that they're tangled shoelaces. Breathe. Know that everything will be sorted out but the key to accomplishing a tasks starts with proper organization. Make lists. Work on one task at a time. You can always make easy goals first, such as the outfit you will wear tomorrow or what you're having for dinner.
Things are usually harder when you're young. You pick the wrong people to associate with. You regret treating people the way you have. You hate yourself for not standing up for yourself when you should have. You think back to the day you got fired from your first job, and claim it was unjustified because that lunatic at Gerrity's Supermarket attacks you, the sixteen-year-old cashier, over broken eggs. You realize walking the streets of Scranton during winter nights at eighteen was a bad idea; that cheap pot was not worth enduring temperatures below zero, nor maneuvering over blankets of thick ice. At nineteen, you hurt some very dear friends of yours who helped you through the tough times that began at eighteen. You still regret it to this day but you know you will never do anything like that again. You are happy that your friends are happy.
Occasionally, you wonder why you're not married yet, or if you will ever be spouse material. You wonder if you'll ever have kids and have a wonderful spouse to help you raise them. Yet before you're even married, you hope you never have to go through a divorce. You wonder why things are happening so late for you and in the back of your mind, it can be traced back to when you hurt your friends. That explains the many obstacles you've encountered prior to finding love.
You want your own house. You want to finally own a car. As much as you love your parents dog, you want a dog of your own, with your significant other. You also want to be engaged. Everybody around you is getting engaged and planning their weddings, so why not you? You should move out of your parents house as soon as you can, although, they are very easy to get along with and they always understand you. Hence, why you don't have to lie to them.
The house should be spacious but cozy at the same time. A trampoline in the back yard for spring, and a fireplace for the fall. Another thing: you're sick of sleeping alone in a twin bed. Upgrade to a queen-sized mattress. Don't worry about spending a lot of money on your bed, sheets, comforter, or pillows. You deserve rest and your significant other doesn't want to fall off the bed or have their blanket revoked.
Do things when you're ready. Earn that bachelor's degree whether it be in three years or five years.
Be cautious but don't let fear control your life. Don't be afraid to be smart or kind. Hold doors for people. Tip your waiter generously. He has rent to pay and his company pays him $2.13 an hour. Put yourself in the shoes of others. That homeless person extending a dirty Styrofoam cup for coins could have been just like you before. Your grandparents are probably feeling more lonely than you. You should call them every once in awhile, whenever it doesn't slip your mind. Your professor is most likely not out to get you. She just wants you to turn in things on time. Make education your top priority.
Save time for fun. Don't be obligated to pick up every shift when asked. Sleep in when you can. Always save room for hobbies. Be wise with money. Decorate when motivated. Fix things when they need to be fixed. Type when you're inspired.