I am glass,

pretty and delicate

When people look at me,

they see what they want to see

and most of time what they want,

is to see themselves

When i shatter i put myself together

Piece by piece running my fingers,

over the jagged and sharp parts of myself

that i promise nobody will notice

I am stardust,

otherworldly and eerie

seem to be worlds away at a time

distant but known

unique and symbolic

the world doesn't know my inside

because sometimes I don't know if I'm real

But then I feel it

Running through my blood

Ingrained in my bones.

pushed by my heart

strengthened by my words

I am steel

cold and hard at the touch

not pretty to look at

but you'll use me

because I'll always let you

My muscles stop bullets

My face shields my inside

From incoming revelations

I am glass

broken but not gone