This Is My End by Cameron Petty

I go into my room, close the door, and I lock it. I don't want anyone finding me, or what will become of me.

I set my bag down, and I unzip it, looking for the knife, which I would use to begin my eventual suicide, and the gun I would use to finish it off. To finish off my life.

My life has been nothing but a living hell since birth. My mother and father constantly fight, my girlfriend cheated on me, and my brother recently died. So as I said, my life is hell.

I soon found the knife, and a minute later, the gun after a few minutes of searching. The knife was a sharp butcher's knife, one that, as I said, a butcher would use.

The gun was a regular old pistol, but the design was nothing but pure darkness. I checked to make sure that the gun was loaded, and it was, with only one bullet.

I set the gun down, and I looked at the knife for a minute, before I made a large slit in my right arm, the fresh, and red blood pouring down my arm, then dripping to the floor. I soon did the same with my left arm.

Under my eyes I carved tiny little slits that would look like tears eventually.

Soon, I decided to end the pain, and my life then. So I put the knife down, and I picked up the gun. I put it up to my head, then tears started streaming down my eyes.

"Goodbye," I said, and before I shot the gun, I let one last tear fall down my face, then I shot the gun.

I fell down onto the floor, my life draining away by the minute. As everything went black, I had a smile on my face.