Long time no see guys! Hi to any new readers and anyone who read this story back in the day :)

Basically, I wrote most of this chapter with the idea of using it as a companion story purely about Sam and Jadea. Then I considered posting it here as a little treat for all the OG readers whilst they were waiting for the new version to be posted. But then...I decided to hell with it, this can be a sort of prelude for Unexpected. So yeah... HERE YOU GO!


Sam Parker and Jadea Fitzgerald met when they were four years old and fell in love before they even knew what the word meant. Neither of their lives have ever been easy but they've always had the other by their side to get them through it…Until the world that had pulled them together decided to rip them apart. Somehow, they find their way back to each other; back to the other half of themselves. But the universe isn't done trying to ruin them yet.

Sam Parker was born to Jessica Richardson and Jace Parker when they were just teenagers themselves. Sam was a mistake they never wanted but they still brought him into the world and tried to be good to him. But they had no support from anyone, scraping by on the minimum of everything and when it got too much, Sam's father left. Then all he had was a mother who hated him for taking away the love of her life and that was it.

Jadea couldn't have been born into a more different world.

Her mother was a Fitzgerald. That name meant something; it meant she was born into a family of well-respected billionaires; it meant her name could get her more than most people could dream of. Jadea's grandfather and his father before him had built a business empire from humble beginnings but after her grandfather died, her grandmother made their family anything but humble. Jadea's mother, Gabbriella Fitzgerald, was never wanted by her family; she was never good enough for them and marrying Brandon Sorrentino against her family's warnings was enough to cast her out for good. But she never wanted her daughter to be part of that family anyway; she wanted her to grow up without the pressure of being perfect looming over her. So they moved away from them to a small city where they thought they could be happy. That's how Jadea somehow ended up in the same school as Sam.

When they were four years old, they met in a school playground. Neither of them were good at talking to other kids, they preferred to be alone. But for days Jadea had watched the skinny little boy named Sam sit alone for the whole lunch hour, never eating anything. The next day she silently handed him her sandwich and packet of crisps and sat next to him whilst he ate like he hadn't ate in days. She watched over him from then on. She would watch as he would get collected at the end of the day by his mum who came dressed in the uniform for the high school down the street. She would watch to make sure none of the school bullies picked on him and when they did, she fought back for him. She would shove them to the ground and make them promise never to hurt Sam again.

Every day they would sit together in the corner of the playground away from everyone else and share Jadea's lunch. The more they did this, the more they started to talk to each other and the more they opened up. They became inseparable not long after.

By the time they were six years old, they refused to be separated for more than a day. They lived in and out of each other's houses; going to which ever one they felt safest in at the time. Sam's mum would disappear for days at a time, even weeks sometimes, and leave them to survive on their own but they were ok with that. Both of them knew how to get by without their parents. Jadea's mum was plagued by mental disorders her daughter didn't understand yet. But Jadea knew when to stay out of her way because she'd been hurt too many times in the past when she didn't. Her dad tried to be there for both his wife and his daughter but he always put the woman he loved first. And so Jadea ran to Sam.

They would hide away together. Hold each other tightly when they were scared. They comforted the other when they were sad and got by the only way they knew how; together.

At eight years old they kissed. It was just as a dare from Dylan and Tiff, the two only other friends they had made, but it meant more than that to Jadea and Sam. They knew they loved each other from the beginning but now they would say it to each other all the time. Kids would tease them for it, ridicule them, but they didn't care. Nothing else mattered to them but each other.

When they were ten, Jadea's parents tried to get them to stop sleeping in the same bed. They were growing up now and her parents thought they needed to learn to be apart from each other. But one night of hearing their daughter's blood-curdling screams as she endured nightmare after nightmare was enough for them to realise Sam and Jadea needed the other more than they realised. They didn't try to separate them again.

It wasn't long after that that Jadea's parents had another baby, a little girl they named Jenessa. Jadea loved her sister and vowed to protect her, just like she did with Sam.

When they were eleven they chose which high school they were going to go to next year, together of course. They knew Dylan and Tiff would be with them as well and the four of them were better friends than ever. Sam and Jadea never let them in too deep though, they saved that for each other.

The two of them knew by now that they had become two halves of the same person. They needed each other like they needed air to breathe. They could soothe each other with a mere hug. As long as they had the other to hold, they were ok.

But before they could become too happy, Jadea was taken away from Sam.

Jadea's mother had a mental breakdown. She tried to kill Jadea in her deranged state and her father knew he couldn't keep his family together any longer. His wife needed real treatment and to be far away from her daughters. So he gave Jadea and Jenessa to his wife's sister, Josephina Fitzgerald. She was the only one from the family that would take them, even if she did so begrudgingly.

Jadea never got a chance to say goodbye to her soulmate. She never got to hold him in her arms one last time, tell him how much she loved him.

Sam had to live his life alone from then on, without knowing where his best friend had gone. He had no way of knowing she was ok.

Being apart broke them. They became shells of themselves, going through their lives without living at all.

Jadea was returned to the world of luxury and prestige that she should have had by birth right. But she wanted nothing to do with it. She just wanted her Sam back. She clung onto her baby sister like she could fill the gaping hole he left in her. It helped, but not enough.

She had to navigate the fucked up world of private schools and attending banquets and balls at her grandmother's wishes. She didn't belong but she was forced to. Her auntie Josephina was too engrossed in her own life to care much for her nieces; she believed as long as she had food in the house and sent Jadea to a good school that they would be fine. So Jadea raised her little sister single-handedly and she did a damn good job considering she was a child herself.

Sam didn't have the luxury of having someone else to lean on. His mum was still around sometimes and she did love her son, just not as much as she should. She couldn't help mend his broken heart and so she let him deal with it in his own way. His dad came back sometimes, like he had done through all his life, but just like every other time he would leave when it got too much for him. So as the years without Jadea went on, Sam made a new family of friends. They could never replace her, not even close, but they took his mind off of her for a while when they were around. He struggled through high school, letting himself be bullied and brought down because he didn't have the strength to stand up for himself, not without her around. Even his friends couldn't stop him spiraling deep into depression.

He had always been a bit of an emo child, Jadea and him would always listen to rock songs when they were younger and it was unusual to see them dressed in anything but all black, but now he became fully part of that scene. He pierced his lip, tongue and ears; styled his hair so it covered half his face from the world and even started smoking with his friends. He didn't care if it would kill him; he had nothing to live for now that he didn't have her in his life.

By the time Jadea was almost fifteen, she had been like a mother to her sister for four years. She loved her like she was her own. And Jenessa loved her more than anything. She even called Jadea 'muma' sometimes by accident and every time she did it ate away at Jadea's heart. Her sister deserved someone better than her; real parents.

When Jadea met Liam, she knew he could never replace her Sam, but he was older than her and she felt safe when he was with her. She slowly fell more and more for the eighteen year old handsome boy that promised to take care of her, always. Both of them hated the lives they had and they wished they could run away from it all. They would fantasise about going off together and finally being free until one day, they did it for real.

Jadea refused to leave her sister behind so the three of them ran away together.

Sam saw the news reports. He saw her face plastered on newspapers and heard her name on radio stations. She was missing and her family wanted her back. He watched her grandmother speak about her on the news, gushing about her amazing granddaughters and how she couldn't bear to think of what could have happened to them, although Sam knew that she had always hated Jadea. She probably just wanted to look good for the Fitzgerald name.

Dylan watched his best friend worry about Jadea every day that she was missing. He tried to help but he knew it was no use. She was the only one who could save him now. Even Tiff, who had long since made a new group of friends, would reach out to offer Sam her sympathy. But Sam didn't notice his friends attempt to help. All he could do was check the news websites at every chance he got to see if there was anything new on her whereabouts and pray that she was safe, wherever she was.

The truth is she was fine. At first they had surfed around on a few of Liam's mates' couches in London. It was easy to hide in London with the sheer amount of people there but they didn't venture out much. At some points it did get rough. They slept in dark alleyways more than once. But Liam kept the girls safe and Jadea fell in love with him even more.

When they ran out of other options, Liam took them to another of his mates. They had a place to live which was good, except Shaw was dangerous. He was in a gang, the same one Liam used to roll with, and Jadea found herself getting caught up in it all. She did jobs for Shaw and in turn he promised Jenessa would be safe and never become exposed to this dark world she was living in. Once Shaw realised what a dangerous badass Jadea was underneath her mask she put up to the world, the jobs got more dangerous and she became his right hand man. She was the best asset Shaw had ever had. She could fight and take down guys twice her size, she could run faster than any of his crew and damn, the girl had no fear.

Jenessa had no clue about the things her sister did to keep her safe and Jadea stopped at nothing to keep it that way. She thought about sending her sister back home every single day but she was too selfish to let her go.

It had been almost a year when Jenessa got unwell. Jadea knew in her heart that her sister needed a doctor but that meant giving in her name; they'd be discovered by the authorities almost instantly. The next best option was a pharmacy. The news reports and articles brandishing their names had long since ceased but it just so happened that the pharmacist recognised Jadea and Liam's faces.

They tried to run but it was too late. Not even Liam could get away.

The police tried to make them talk, tell them where they'd been hiding. They said Liam had 'groomed' her, forced her to go with him. They said he'd taken advantage of her mind and her body. She refused to believe that was what had happened. She loved him; everything that happened between them was consensual but they wouldn't take notice of the fifteen year old girl and took Liam away from her. He didn't even fight it, fight for her. He just left her like everyone else.

And it wasn't the only thing they took from her. They took her sister too.

She screamed and begged and threatened everything under the sun unless they let her see her sister again. But they didn't. They said she was a risk to her sister, that she was too dangerous.

And she snapped.

The girl who had had everything taken from her couldn't be strong any more. She lost the fight in her.

Her family weren't allowed custody of her so she was passed to the care of her local authority. That's how she ended up in a foster home, being locked in a bedroom with no windows every night. All she'd ever wanted was to be free and they caged her in like some animal. And so she became the monster she'd been told she was her whole life.

She screamed every night until her throat was raw, hurt herself until they had no choice but to come in and stop her and then she hurt them. She was bounced around from home to home, never stopping fighting them, not caring if they hated her. All that mattered was seeing her sister again.

Finally they changed tactics and put her with a family who wanted her. They wanted to help her. They were an older couple who mainly housed newborns and young kids but they thought putting Jadea with them would make her feel more comfortable because she'd missed the presence of her sister. Jadea finally found a semblance of peace. They were the first people to treat her as a human being since she could even remember. They didn't lock her room at night and they trusted her. They cared for her like she was their daughter and they had a real family life, something she'd always wanted but never had. And they promised to help her find a way to see her sister.

That they did. They helped Jadea keep herself together, supported her whilst she proved to the social workers that she was 'worthy' of having a visitation with her sister. It took a long time and a lot of patience but her good behaviour paid off and she got to see her sister again. For twenty minutes. She had held onto her sister like her life depended on it, and in a way it did, but no amount of strength could have meant she could hold her sister in her arms for just a bit longer-this was the system and she was powerless.

It was weeks before she was allowed to see her again and this time Jenessa clung to her foster mother instead of her sister. When Jenessa called this woman 'mummy' was when Jadea realised she had lost her sister for good. There was no way back from this. No amount of visitations could make up for the fact her sister was happy without her in a new family; she was forgetting Jadea. And Jadea broke, again. She couldn't live in this world anymore: she couldn't handle anymore pain.

But she wasn't the only one with a little sister now. Sam's mum had a tiny baby who Sam named Izabella. Sam named her because his mother abandoned them, leaving him to care for her when she was still only a few weeks old. He did everything for her for the next few weeks because there was no one else. He didn't tell anyone his mum had left until he had to. His grandparents took them in for a while but they couldn't cope with a newborn baby at their age. That's how Sam was finally reunited with his soulmate.

The social worker who was given Sam and Izabella's case placed them with a family who specialised in caring for young babies but she had no idea that in doing so, she would save the life of a girl already in the care of the same family, another case of hers, one of the most upsetting she'd ever dealt with.

Jadea Fitzgerald and Sam Parker met again when they were sixteen years old and fell even deeper in love than they had been when they were children. Sam kept Jadea from ending her life. He took away her pain and soothed her battered soul. Jadea did exactly the same for Sam. The girl who bled passion into everything she did kept Sam from falling apart with the emotional pain of being abandoned by his mum and kept his heart safe in her hands.

But this time was different than when they were kids. Their love evolved into something more and their kisses became lifelines. They found pieces of happiness when they came together; their bodies finally becoming as connected as their minds. They lost themselves in each other in more ways than one. They were healing each other but they also lost sight of the rest of the world around them. All that mattered to them was the other and it meant their lives had drifted away from them. They didn't go to school, Sam didn't see his friends and all they wanted to do was stay locked in their room all day tangled together or with Izabella in their arms.

They knew it wouldn't last; nothing good in their lives ever did. They were wards of the state now and that meant they had to play by the rules or face the consequences. Their social worker, Aisha, didn't want to split them up but she would have to if they didn't start going to school again. Sam knew they could try and take Izzy away from him if he didn't cooperate; Jadea knew better than anyone that this could happen. So they both agreed to 'break-up'. They tried to keep their feelings buried inside them so they could go back to being 'normal' teenagers for now, but no one knew about the pact they made to each other.

Sam gave Jadea a ring, one meant to be on the ring finger of her left hand, that she instead placed on the chain around her neck with one of her parents wedding rings, replacing the one she'd given to Jenessa the last time she had seen her. The ring was a promise that as soon as they were both eighteen and free of the system, they could be together without anyone being able to tear them apart again. They planned everything- getting married, using the money that Jadea still had access to to buy a good house and then once they were stable and no one could dispute their situation, applying for custody of their siblings.

Until that day came though, they would play by the rules, keeping their plans hidden from everyone but each other. It was only two years, the could make it that long. They still slept beside each other every night, they still kissed when they wanted, sometimes they did more than kiss, but they made sure they went to school and did everything they needed to to stay off the radar of their social worker.

It went well...Until Jadea got the news that the family who had fostered her sister had filed for adoption. Kicking off got her kicked out, placed in a different home from Sam. Still seeing him everyday was the only thing that stopped her from going fully off the rails. He held her body tightly against his at night when she cried, stroked her back or combed through her hair with his fingers as she talked about her sister, or sometimes he was there for her in a different way; making her body feel good when she needed distracting, comforting her in anyway she needed. And when Sam and Izzy were moved to a different home, one where they only really wanted Izzy and not a troubled teenage boy, Jadea repaid the favour to Sam.

It was harder then, living apart from each other. Jadea had to climb into Sam's first floor bedroom window every night, late enough to make sure everyone was asleep, then leave before they woke up. The few hours of sleep they had together were worth it though. They didn't, couldn't, sleep alone so those few hours were the only ones they got. If it meant risking getting caught by Sam's foster family then it was still worth it for him to have her besides him at night.

When the summer ended and they had to go back to school, that was the beginning of the end for their future together. Another girl entered Sam's life then and changed everything.

When Chelsea Beaumont met Sam, she could never have expected what was to come. No one would have. She didn't have a clue just how tangled up she was about to get in Sam's life and all the consequences that would unfold from then on.

Don't forget you can check out the original over on my Wattpad! And please let me know what you thought of this chapter because Sam and Jadea's story is so special to me and I'd love to know your opinions :)