I know I should be updating my other stories but I couldn't resist haha :)
I hope you all like it!
History: The most boring lesson ever. I try to concentrate on writing down the notes our teacher is giving but it's pretty much impossible when the stuff she's saying has no importance to me what so ever. I'm not usually one to break rules but I reach around and pull my phone out of my blazer pocket and get my messages up. I find Ash's name and start typing.
Me: Wow this lesson is so boring, help mee!
While I wait for his reply I keep writing, I mean I don't want to fall behind or anything. I feel my phone buzz in my hand so I put my pen down and check the teacher isn't looking before opening the message. It's Ash, as expected.
Ash: Haha aww Samii just ditch and come hang out with me, I've got a free lesson ;)
My lips twist into an angry smile when I read his reply. He's forever making me jealous of all his free lessons, especially when I'm stuck in boring ones like this.
Me: I can't, I don't want to miss anything
As much as I'd like to go hang out with Ash, I'm not like that. I'd never walk out a lesson. Yeah, I'm a good little student like that. Ash replies almost instantly.
Ash: Wow. Swot
I laugh slightly but then remember I'm in a lesson and cover it with a cough. Thankfully no one but Robyn who's sitting next to me notices. She smiles and rolls her eyes then whispers 'something funny?' with a wink. I 'shh' her and reply to Ash.
Me: Oi you, Shh ;) see you at lunch for maccies though
Seconds later he replies.
Ash: Of course, usual place yeah
I smile before putting my phone away and carrying on with my work. Ugh...history sucks but I make myself pick up my pen and keep writing, however all I'm thinking about is Ash.
I sigh in relief when the lesson finally ends, collecting my books up and sliding them in my bag then picking my blazer up off my chair.
"Samii, you coming the canteen?" Robyn asks, already walking to the door. I nod and rush after her. She links her arm with mine and pulls me out into the busy corridors.
"So, little miss giggles, what are you up to this weekend?" Robyn winks at me as we walk through the crowds of people.
"Err party tonight then I dunno." She goes 'oooo'. "What about you?"
"Hanging out with the girlies." She laughs and pulls me off into the toilets. She starts touching up her makeup whilst babbling on about who's going out with who and all that kind of stuff. I tune out but take the opportunity to look in the mirror. Unlike Robyn, I'm not big on make up; I just do whatever I can be bothered to in the morning. I know I'm not as pretty as Robyn but today I think I look ok. Good even.
The front sections of my hair are clipped back with the rest loose. I've got my usual uniform on, black pinafore and a long sleeved white shirt and Oxford shoes. Yeah...I look ok today. I smile as Robyn appears beside me in the mirror, her arm around my shoulder and her phone ready to take a selfie. I laugh as she pouts and takes the picture of us before uploading it to Instagram. It gets a few likes in seconds. I look at the picture and smile although I look silly next to Robyn. She's got naturally curly hair and perfect features that make her one of the prettiest girls I know. It makes me wonder why she's even friends with me.
We finally make it to the canteen and I automatically start looking around for Ash and his 'squad', as he now calls them. Robyn starts walking to the table where we normally sit but my eyes have already spotted Ash. I smile before realising I stopped walking and I'm getting in peoples way.
"Um Robyn, I think I'm gonna go sit with-" She cuts me off as she sits down with the rest of our-well...her group of friends.
"It's cool" She smiles and then motions for me to go. I wave bye to everyone else and make my way over to Ash's usual table which they pretty much own. See, Ash is 3 years above me and in his final year of school so being in sixth form and being popular equals the ability to sit where you want. Ash is laughing and talking about something with his friends but he notices me approaching.
"Samiiiii!" He shouts. I smile nervously at him and his friends but they all wave or say hi, making my shyness disappear. I hang around with them pretty much every day but something always makes me wary of them. What if they don't want a little year 10 hanging around with them? What if they think I'm stupid for hanging around with Ash? What if they just pretend to like me for him? Ash makes all my worries disappear though when he gets up and wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.
He says bye to the rest of his friends who aren't coming with us and we start walking with James and Laura, who are Ash's other best friends, to his car. Every Friday since Ash got his car, we've drove to McDonald's for lunch. It's just the four of us who go but we get food for everyone else. It's sort of a tradition now.
As we walk out of school we check to make sure there are no teachers around before making a run for the car. Sixth formers like Ash are allowed to leave at lunch but my year aren't, hence the running. We approach Ash's car and I automatically climb into the front seat, leaving James and Laura in the back. I called shotgun for eternity when Ash first got his car and they learnt they can't argue with me on that.
Ash rolls down the windows and turns the radio up loud making me giggle as the wind whips my hair around me and one of my favourite songs starts playing. Ash just laughs at me and shakes his head. He starts talking to James and Laura, leaving me to get lost in my thoughts as he drives into town.
Ash, or to use his real name, Ashley, has always been my best friend. Well, him and Matt. I've known Ash since the day I was born and we basically grew up together. His mum and my mum became best mates after they met in hospital because they were both pregnant at the same time, my mum with me and Rachel with Matt. They're virtually inseparable so I've seen Ash and Matt almost every day of my life. They've each become my brother from another mother basically.
I love them both so much but I'm closer to Ash really. It probably would have been Matt if a few things had gone differently over time. Although Matt and I were born only 2 days apart, he got put in the year above me in school. All three of us played together outside of school but Matt and I became like best mates for real in the two years after Ash started high school as we were still in primary and we saw each other a lot more. I miss those times. But then it all changed when Matt moved up to high school. I thought everything would have been the same. Sure, I wouldn't have him to talk to in school but I expected us to stay mates. I was wrong. I lost him. He made new friends. He started going out with them and leaving me. I remember crying for like a day when Matt didn't come on our annual trip to Alton Towers, which has always been our favourite day of the year, because he wanted to hang out with his friends instead. When all this happened, guess who was there for me? Yup, Ash. That's when we became best friends and we have been ever since. Yeah, we both still hang out with Matt but it's different. Matt cares more about his mates than us whereas I like to think that Ash and I couldn't survive without each other. He's always there for me, he actually cares about me and I know he's always got my back. So yeah, he's my best friend. Sometimes the age gap is awkward...but other times we don't notice it.
I do have other friends, I'm basically that one girl who's friends with everyone. Robyn is my other main friend, however, I know and she knows that Ash will always be my best friend. I feel mean for ditching her for Ash sometimes, like now, but she has other friends. Ones like her. And by that I mean pretty, popular...yeah, you know the type.
I try to focus back into the present but my eyes flick over to Ash and I end up getting wound up in my thoughts again. I scan over his face, taking in all the little details that I've memorised about him over the years like the little scar on his jaw from when he and Matt got into a pretty bad fight. You may say Ash is attractive. Ok no, screw that, he is attractive and I don't even know why I tried to deny it. He has gorgeous cheek bones like all those models and really cute dimples when he smiles. His hair is light brown and is usually flicked up in a quiff or left to flop in his eyes. He's always been popular but he doesn't act like a jerk. Sometimes I feel like I hold him back because I know he'd go out more with his friends but he always puts me first...or takes me out with him. I smile at the thought. Perks of having an 18 year old best friend: I get to go to awesome parties, clubs and concerts. It's fun because it's almost like living a double life. In school, no one would expect nerdy little Samiia to be going to parties and sneaking into clubs. They probably think I sit at home doing work on my own at the weekends. Haha, no way.
We arrive at the drive through McDonald's and Ash reads out a big long list of everything his friends want. The girl taking the order looks really confused, bless her. I suddenly stop feeling sorry for her when she smiles in that annoying 'I'm trying to be cute' way at Ash. It makes me slightly angry for some reason.
"You forgot Matt's," I nudge Ash with my elbow as he smiles back at the girl. His smile falters for a second before he goes back to being the oh-so-charming guy he is. I don't know why he stopped smiling when I mentioned Matt but I'm guessing they've probably had another fight.
He starts driving back to school once we've got all the food and I unwrap my chicken burger. I'm aware James and Laura are giving me evil looks but as I bite into my burger, I don't seem to care. Since I have him wrapped around my finger, I'm the exception to Ash's strict 'no eating/drinking in the car' rule which came into force when Matt spilt a milkshake in here last year. Now that was a funny thing to watch.
Once back at school, Ash hugs me before I leave them to go and give Matt his chicken nuggets. I swear if he eats any more of these he'll turn into one. He normally hangs around the back of school where you're not really supposed to go but Matt doesn't care, like with everything else. I spot him and his small group of friends huddled around in a circle. One of them notices me approaching and alerts Matt to my presence my saying 'Yo Matty, you're brothers girlfriends here'. The smile fades off Matt's face as he turns around and sees me. He stares daggers at me and then at his friend. I just roll my eyes since I'm used to people teasing me about how close I am to Ash. Matt walks away from the group and pushes me away with him.
"What are you doing here?" He looks embarrassed and angry. I can't believe he still doesn't want his friends to know that he's friends with me. Yeah because poor mister 'tryna be cool to impress my pathetic bunch of friends' can't be seen with a little kid in the year below. Sometimes I wish- I wish I didn't know Matt because every time he shuts me out, every time he tries to keep me away from him...it hurts. So freaking much.
"I was being nice and bringing you food," I shove the box into his chest and he stumbles back slightly. "Ash wasn't even going to get you anything. Maybe I'll do the same next time."
Regret clouds his eyes and he sighs, throwing his head back. I don't wait around any longer to see what he does next. He doesn't try to stop me walking away; he just stands there watching me. When I get back in and sit down next to Ash, I don't even pretend to be ok. Ash being Ash notices straight away.
"What the hell has he done now?" I roll my eyes and just stare at the table.
"The usual." I reply. Ash puts is arm around me and pulls me into him, instantly making me feel a bit better. "He loves you really Samii, he's just..."
"A dick?" My reply earns a laugh from Ash.
"Yeah, exactly. I'll talk to him if you want." I shake my head and lean my head on Ash's chest, sighing as he holds me close
The rest of the day drags. I practically run out of school when the final bell rings. Ash drops me at my house and says he'll be back in a few hours to pick me up for the party. Matt conveniently got a lift home off one of his friends instead of coming with Ash and I. I know he's avoiding me. He always does this.
Matt's not like his brother. Ash is the fun loving, kind and friendly one whereas Matt's the dark mysterious one. They're both so different yet so similar. I just wish we could all be ok again because now it's hard to keep them in a room without an argument sparking up between them. This has become more frequent recently and I have no idea why. I know them both inside out yet I can't figure out why they hate each half the time. Sometimes they're fine though and they're just like normal brothers and it's great. I live for the days when they're like this because they just...make life amazing. Cheesy, I know.
I stop daydreaming and remember I need to get ready. I decide to wear a black skater style dress with an oversized denim jacket. My mum than applies a coat of subtle makeup for me before she leaves to meet up with Ash's mum.
He picks me up a while later and I slide into the backseat. Normally I would have argued with Matt until he switched with me but I ignore him. The journey is silent but after a while Ash's angry side glances at Matt become too much for him. They start having a go at each other before I shout at them to shut up. Great.
As soon as we get to the house that the party is being held at, Matt storms off leaving me and Ash alone.
"C'mere," Ash walks over to me and crushes me with a hug. He does his usual thing where he kisses my forehead. I smile up at him, ignoring the strange nervous feeling inside me.
"I love you Samii," Ash whispers. I pull him closer and whisper the same back to him.
In that moment, I forget about Matt and all the pain he causes melts away because I know that no matter what happens, I'll always have my best friend, Ash.
Was it any good? I know not much happened but let me know what you thought :) xx