I stepped out of the locker room and into the hallway. Most of the guys were already dressed and waiting in the hall as well, talking amongst themselves. I leaned up against the gray wall frowning at my gym uniform. It was the same as everyone else's. Except for the fact that it was cut like everyone else. Male.

The cut on the t-shirt was high, not accounting for my chest, it was large and the shorts were tight on my curvy thighs and stopped just above my knee. They were puke green in color with gray shirts, "Marshall`s School for Boys," written across the top in the same green color.

Just then my gym teacher appeared from around the corner and told us to meet in the smaller gym. I immediately spun on my heels towards the smaller, older, gym. I listened as I heard the mob of boys behind me talking about football, what they would do if they could read peoples mind, and two of my friends discussing how I would react if they slapped my ass. I wiped my head around and firmly said "you better not."

They responded with laughter and Dante, the shorter, dark-skinned one reached out jokingly.

"Touch me and you`ll lose a hand," I giggled a little "I dare you."

Then Matt, the taller white boy said "don`t screw with Jackie, Dante, you`ll live to regret it. If you live."

We kept talking as we walked up the steps about grades, teachers, and the nightmare that was gym class, before splitting up to sit in our assigned seat on the floor.

After taking roll, Mr. Williams explained that the unit we would be starting today would be wrestling. I sighed audibly.

"Do you have a problem, Miss Valentine?"

"Umm… Yes, Mr. Williams," emphasizing his name the way he does with mine, "I do not "wrestle" you cannot expect me to win any in a class full of guys."

"Well, Miss Valentine, every student is required to participate, and although you may think you are special and unique because the school made an exception for you, does not mean that you can excuse yourself from participating in physical activity when you find the unit to be, unfair, or distasteful. Now everyone take two laps around the basketball court to warm up and have a seat in the center afterwards for stretches."

I sigh and get up from my spot on the floor, I meet up with Matt and Dante, and we run our laps together.

The three of us have been close since the beginning of freshman year, we are juniors now and still getting along fine, we have some classes together and hang out on the weekends. They are both really nice, sweet guys, and they never pressure me like many other guys here have tried to do before. They are stand-up kids with a lot of talent and a lot of personality.

There are some perks of being the only girl in an all guys school: 1. Less drama (girls are bitchy) 2. Meet really great guys (sometimes) 3. Get asked out (a lot, literally multiple times for each school dance) 4. Everyone knows who you are

Then there's the drawbacks: 1. No one ever has an extra tampon (ever) 2. Some guys are just real jerks 3. You have to say no to a lot of people (and that makes me feel really bad) 4. Everyone knows who you are (you can never just blend in (everyone wants to talk to you)) and 5. Days like this day.

After our warm-ups were done, we all "worked together" moving the mats for wrestling (I added the quotes because that's another perk of an all guys school, you never have to lift/move anything heavy, they are more than willing to do it for some reason). Williams decided that since it was the first day of the unit we would wrestle in the middle of the room on the mats and everyone other than the two competing, would watch, so that he could gauge our abilities for future pairs. After he counted us up he said "Ok, so we have an uneven amount of people, so one of the people that go first will have to wrestle again last." He then began to look over the group and ask for volunteers to go first. I didn't raise my hand. So he picked me. God damnit.

I stood up anyway and walked right up to Williams, and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear "Fine, Mr. Williams, I will wrestle these boys, but you better make it very clear to them that if they pull one hair from my head, I am not holding back," some of the guys laughed like they weren't afraid, or as if I was kidding, I turned my head and gave them a look their mother felt. I then walked to the center of the mat and pulled my long hair into a ponytail. Shit just got real.

Williams turned back to the group of boys, and they were all eager to wrestle me, to put their hands on me, even Dante and Matt, just for bragging rights though. And of course, Williams in return had to pick him. One of them.

By "them" I refer to the not-so-nice guys at Marshall`s. Jordan Beaker, but everyone just calls him "J" or "Breaker." I would know, I have made that mistake before.

So, this first chapter is pretty short, but please, let me know what you think, I really appreciate any feedback :) so please review/follow/favorite, if you like it. And i will try to update again soon.

Anyway, thank you soo much for reading :)