Having a crush can be quite distracting...
Waking up with heated thoughts, the mind replays desire
As I get into the shower, as I get ready to go about today
It is that beat in my heart, the song that can play so loud
I need to drown it out with music. How will I find a way?
When I hum the notes and daydream of his sweet sound
His words comforting me, those beats cascading through
Me, like a wave. To move my body in a sweet crescendo
When my entire world is silent, those dreams I hold on to
Keep me calm, it keeps me sane when my world is chaos
How can I deny that beat? The beat of my lonely heart?
Replaying in my dreams, it is enough to make me insane
In a quiet, still world of predictability when did this start?
This music, I do not want it to stop! If it could still replay
I would be forever happy. The music should always stay