The sweet soothing voice of Hayley Williams flowed across the room and out of the windows. Annie turned the speakers louder before heavily throwing herself onto her bed. The layer of stuffed animals caught her as she landed easing her into their softness.

How were you meant to get over someone in this day and age if they social media kept shoving them in your face?

She had blocked Chris, her ex-boyfriend, on everything, but that hadn't made much of a difference.

Mutual friends were liking his posts and sharing his images, Annie couldn't even enjoy Twitter no more without Chris popping up. He had over 6,000 followers and majority of her followers followed him. Annie let out a sigh and smothered her face into her pillow.

She just couldn't believe how insensitive everyone was being to her, their break-up had been pretty public. Couldn't they take two seconds to think about her before they retweeted or liked a post?

It has officially been two weeks since Chris had dumped Annie to get back with his one true love and ex now current girlfriend Mercedes. The cringy couple were more in love than ever and proudly flaunting their love all over the place. Annie couldn't go out without bumping into them even the gym she had introduced Chris to, the couple were regular users and had a joint membership.

Annie turned to look at the new trainers she had purchased the week before, she was returning them first thing tomorrow and then cancelling her membership. Annie reached out to yank her phone off the charger, she could see the flashing notification alert from the corner of her eye.

'You were only together for a month'

She groaned as she re-read her best friend, Melody's, text again. The petite girl has bugged her all day at work on why she was scowling before she confessed that her break-up with Chris was still bugging her.

So what if she and Chris had only been together for a month? That one month had been magical to her, she had fallen for him so hard. Thirty-one days of bliss couldn't be erased, especially if you had secretly been waiting three years for him to be single and to notice you.

One of the most painful parts of the break-up had been the smug 'I told you so' looks that smeared people's faces. Mercedes and Chris's relationship was something of a legend around town. The pair had been on and off for a decade. Initially when they broke up they started seeing other people, but after a while everyone knew to stay away. The breaks never lasted long, the couple always got back together and other people always got hurt.

Annie thought she knew better and had decided to go there and to be fair, Chris's one month with Annie was actually a bit of a record. Maybe that's what had led her to believe that what she and Chris had was going to last.

"Mercedes and I…. we just can't stay away from each other; I love her"

Annie gagged on the memory of Chris's words, she wondered how long it took the coward to run back into Mercedes's arms. As she lay on her bed, she couldn't help remembering the little things that had nagged her that something was wrong. She thought it was because he was busy with university and work, well at least that was what she hoped it was.

Stupidly enough, Mercedes had never crossed her mind. They had lasted so long! She was sure the curse of Chris and Mercedes had passed over them. Annie was certain they would last.

Annie felt the hot tears clawing at the back of her eyes, she should have known better she thought. There was no way he could love her.

Annie wasn't Mercedes.

She curled her long arms around her legs and started to cry as she slowly shook on her bed. She missed him, but hated him at the same time.

Why did he leave? Why wasn't I enough? She thought to herself as she released her pain. Her eyes ached and her throat stung as she coughed.

Being dumped just before Christmas probably wasn't the best way to end a year, but Annie was determined not to let it ruin the start of her new year. She let out a few more sobs into her stuffed rabbit before wiping her face dry and heading downstairs to eat.