Steel Heart

Like a stream, trickling slowly,

Gently flowing towards the edge,

Before plummeting over the edge,

My heart was gently caressed,

Lovingly held, before painfully squeezed.

Cracks appear in the once whole heart,

Quickly steeling up, ready for the full impact,

Dropped from the once lovingly held palms,

Like a stone into the river, sinking into the depths,

Lost amongst all those before it.

No longer a cherished individual,

But a part of a collective of unwanted individuals,

All hoping to one day reach the surface again,

And yet hoping never to be at the surface,

Fear of falling into the circling trap of pain.

Like plants reaching out to the sun,

We too aim to grow, to be closer to the light,

To be seen as a unique individual, and yet fear to be,

Slowly turning into just another sheep,

Following where the crowd leads, wondering why.

Like the wheat being moved in the breeze,

We bend to its will, unable to be different,

Afraid to be ourselves again, fear of punishment,

Of the pain of loneliness, yet longing to be unique,

Wanting and waiting for love to reach us again.

Hoping this time it will last, wishing for a miracle,

To be seen as our unique self, without fear,

Slowly opening up once again like a blooming flower,

Showing our true self to the one,

Hoping that this time will be the last.