Well, this is my second story. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!
Chapter 1 - Now
I must admit, it was kind of nice being fought over. Rose was great and so was Jezebel but the problem was they were just so equally fabulous in different ways. It was like comparing apples and oranges. Rose was so artistic, sensitive. She played guitar and clarinet (She claimed it was the result of a pretentious upbringing). She would paint me from all different angles and she looked so damn beautiful when she was focusing, her hand gently brushing the page with her pencil. But then again Jezebel had a sort of rebellious side to her which I found ridiculously attractive. She was the sort of girl you didn't take home to your parents to meet but you would definitely parade to your friends. She was just so... cool. I guess that sums her up. Why did I have to have to choose between two awesome humans? I couldn't tell if this was a punishment or some sort of awesome reward.
I'm not the sort of girl that usually enjoys love triangles. Sure they look like fun in the movies but in reality they just piss you off sometimes. Plus, in the movies they keep it so secretly concealed until one big meet up at the end. I don't really see how that's possible, I mean both of the lovers usually live in the area, how do they not bump into each other. Anyway, I usually insist on at least some commitment. My friends used to joke that I was commitment Evie. It was terrible nickname and I loathed it. It wasn't catchy in anyway and it just annoyed me.
But this was different. I couldn't say no to them both. I wanted to see where each one would lead and to be honest I'm kind of glad I did it, no matter how it turned out. I got to experience two awesome people and I don't regret that. I do regret hurting them though, there were several things that I could have done differently. Okay, there are many things that I could have done differently and I guess it all worked out for the best. For them at least.