Hello! I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been really busy! I will try and update more regularly from now on :) Anyway hope you enjoy Chapter 6!
Chapter 6 - 2 years, 9 months ago
"So, which one do you prefer?"
"Just pick one already!"
"But you must like one more than the other!"
I kept hearing these phrases on repeat from my friends, colleagues, neighbours. It was like they were on some sort of repeated loop playing around and around but the problem was I never had an answer. Truth was I didn't know. It was like comparing chalk and cheese to be honest, they were both so different in so many ways.
Jezebel as surprisingly punctual and very invested in the relationship. Not just a little invested, she was almost TOO invested in it. She'd snap me every morning just to say good morning, we'd have long calls in the evenings (unless I was with Rose when I had to make up an excuse), she'd sometimes text me on the hour just to let me know about things that made her laugh or random thoughts. I'll admit that this was kind of annoying but at the same time, I liked the stability of it all. She'd do what she said she would, she's turn up on time whilst Rose seemed to make a habit of waltzing in whenever she wanted to. Jezebel was my rock and it was hard to compare her to the flighty Rose who seemed to be volatile and unprepared.
Rose was the complete opposite of Jezebel. In fact it was kind of surprising that I'd managed to find the two most polar opposite people in the world, it still makes me laugh to this day. Rose did what she wanted, when she wanted and however she pleased. She loved edgy places that were sometime not quite appropriate for a date. The problem was she never answered her phone, she was the one who would arrange everything (even though I tried to text and call her a lot). It was like dating the breeze in some respects.
So whenever anybody asked about it, I would look awkward and change the subject. They'd usually see it was a touchy subject and move on. That's why, I expected my fellow bartenders to move on like the rest when they asked. To be fair, most of them did move on and walk away, a little awkwardly. But one of them didn't.
"I reckon you like it." One of my colleagues that I'd hardly spoken to said suddenly. (This is awful, I can't even remember his name. James? I don't know)
"Excuse me?"
"I reckon you like it."
"Can you elaborate?" Of course I liked my girlfriends, they were pretty cool.
"The attention."
"That's why you won't choose. If you only had one people would lose interest in you." Possible-James said to me without looking me in the eye (not that he could, he was tiny)
"I'm sorry but that's kind of..." It was a lot of things to me: rude, impertinent. Instead I finished with,"...forward. You don't know me."
"Yes, but I know your type. Kind of boring, just an average girl." I gave him a slightly offended look which I think he interpreted as confusion, "Do you know what I mean? The type who was so boring nobody could even be bothered to gossip about her because she was very... nothing. So, when she broke her leg or got into a fight, she wouldn't let it go for weeks as it kept people talking for a bit about her and she was the...'it' girl just for a little bit."
That was enough for me. I didn't have to say anything, I just walked away from stupid whatever his name was. I didn't have to take that crap from him even if it rang a little too close to home.
His comment really rattled me though, it couldn't be true. So after my shift, I called the one person that I knew would be available to talk after my shift. My rock. Jezebel. She was up and immediately seemed to know I was upset over the phone as she came to collect me after my shift. We walked back to her house in a sort of comfortable silence. When we got there, she made me a coffee and then told me to talk it through with her. Jezebel wasn't a great talker so I was surprised when she actually had a lot to say at the end. She was mostly mad at possible-James. To be fair, this was because I told her that he said it out of nowhere as I wasn't ready to tell her about Rose as well.
It was a nice evening. We ended up binge watching a lot of things and Jezebel fell asleep in my lap. It was at that moment that I decided to end this two timing thing. Jezebel was there for me and I hadn't heard from Rose yet in a while. I'd never been superstitious but Jezebel was here with me and this felt like a sign from universe. I reached for my phone to tell Rose that we needed to talk but almost instantly my phone lit up and of course there was a text from her.
Sorry Ive been so bad at replying! This sounds kinda weird but I need you to meet me at mine next Saturday at 11.00 in some nice formal crap. haha this sounds weird but it's important! R xoxo
Great. Now I was intrigued. Thanks universe.