Melody clutched her blanket to her chin. She could still feel him on her. She pulled the blanket over her head and groaned.
Now, why did she have to go and do that?
But he was being a butthead…
And a bigger one than usual.
He didn't know this, but she'd have to make a report and submit it to the principal every week and have monthly progress meetings until he was satisfied with that butthead's behavior. And the butthead just had to make her life difficult. Not wanting to do anything at the shelter…what was she supposed to write if he did nothing? She couldn't just lie….could she? Because she didn't know how they were going to spend every week there together…especially not after what happened when she sprayed him with the hose.
But it had been funny!
Although, maybe Laila wouldn't have thought so…and apparently neither did the butthead. No sense of humor that one. But she would wear him down…although maybe not so much after what happened today.
Melody groaned again. What was she going to do? She felt a nervousness knot itself in her stomach and cringed at the unfamiliar feeling.
Maybe she should call Laila and ask her what to do…
Melody paused for a moment and thought about what that conversation would sound like.
"Hey Laila," Melody started, talking into her pretend phone.
"Hi Melly!" Melody said, trying her best to mimic her best friend's chirpy voice.
"So…you'll never guess what happened with the butthead."
Melody gasped. "Oh my poor Melly dear, you simply must tell me what's going on with you and that rapscallion of yours…" Melody heard herself say in a very southern accent "you know, I was just down by the river, washing up some soiled undergarments for my husband. He's sick. Didn't I tell ya? The poor, old buffoon got himself sick last night, drank himself silly he did, and now not even my -"
Melody paused, realizing she was maybe going off track with her imaginary conversation…although she did wonder where Laila was going with her story. She kind of wanted to finish hearing the rest of it.
But no.
Focus, Melody, focus.
She cleared her throat.
Conversation with Laila.
Take two.
"So…you'll never guess what happened with that huge butthead. I kissed him…again."
Melody gasped once more. "Melly, how could you?" she shrieked in mock surprise. "I thought you didn't even like him like that."
Melody was offended that Laila could insinuate such a thing. "I don't!" she squealed. "It was just to take him by surprise."
"But why would you need to do that, Melly?" she questioned.
Melody's eyes widened at her friend's tone. "Because he chased me down!" Well, he did more than that.
Gasping in surprise again, she lifted an accusatory eyebrow at herself. Laila knew he wouldn't just chase her for no good reason.
Melody huffed.
Her friend was supposed to take her side, always.
What was this?
That should've been where the conversation ended, but her friend was waiting for more details and she couldn't just leave Laila hanging like that.
Sighing, she continued. "Okay fine. I may have done a little thing like…completely maybe got him a little wet is all….but you would've thought I drowned the butthead!"
"Melody…" she said in her best friend's usual tone.
"Okay, okay…it may have been a bit more than a little wet," she smiled sheepishly to herself.
But come on, it was just so fun. How could she not.
She tapped her chin. "Melly, what's really going on here?" she asked herself, perfectly mimicking the concerned tone her friend would have.
Melody shook her head. "You have to believe me Laila. I had no choice. He was being a huge, no, gigantic butthead. He wouldn't help me at all. And what would I have told the principal? That he just came and left? I couldn't write that and you know I can't lie…" she trailed off before adding "...very well." Smiling to herself, she recalled some of her other misadventures and her amazingly, awful, lying skills. And this is why one should not lie, even when a big butthead is involved.
She knew her friend would be giving her one of those 'I'm waiting' looks right now. Her friend may have had the patience of a saint usually, but not when it came to things like this. Laila secretly lived for any scandalous, gossip stories and with what Melody's life had become…it was something even the tabloids would've published.
"But it was so funny Laila," she said, trying to get her friend to understand. "He was standing there and bam, sploosh, splash," she laughed to herself. "He was wetter than those soiled undergarments you were talking about earlier," she clutched her stomach as more laughter escaped her.
Wiping an imaginary tear, she said, "Oh you should've been there Laila. It was even better than pouring the coffee on him." She paused before starting to laugh again.
Okay so maybe she did have kind of a problem there. But it was his fault.
Both times.
Okay…maybe not that first time.
But, now that she knew him, it would definitely have been his fault. She nodded in agreement with herself. Definitely. He would've definitely deserved the whole coffee kafoo. Dare or not.
"Focus Melody…what happened?" she said, bringing her attention back to the matter at hand, as Laila was just dying to hear the rest.
Oh boy. There was a good chance this conversation was going to take hours. But hey, at least she'd enjoy it. But she really did need help with this. She felt like her whole world was going off center, off kilter, right off its axis.
And it was all his fault.
Even if she maybe did start it.
"Okay fine Laila. Get your favorite Jasmine, honeysuckle tea ready," she said. Laila did love to drink her favorite tea blend while she read those tabloid magazines. Melody wasn't sure why she did that. Probably to keep her calm while she got herself high off the excitement of the craziness written on the pages? Melody wasn't sure that was really a thing, but she wasn't really into drinking tea the way her friend was.
Melody could feel Laila's imaginary eyes staring her down. Waiting for the rest.
"Alright, alright," she relented. "What happened was…"
The butthead was being a butthead as usual. Refusing to help. And, well, he was going to get wet anyway so why not get him on board the train that was bath time.
Melody giggled to herself.
Putting Jerry down in the soapy water and rubbing his fur, getting him all sudsy, Melody knew he would stay put as he loved this as much as she did.
Melody placed her hands on her hips as she stared at the butthead standing all the way on the other side, being ridiculous.
The butthead had been acting really weird all day…she wondered what was wrong with him.
And then he had called her naked!
Laila had said this was a cute swimsuit to wear. Had encouraged and encouraged her to get it, said it was perfect for her. And how could she resist that? She couldn't, not when she trusted her best friend wholeheartedly… and especially not when Laila basically shoved it on her and shoved her out the store -after paying for it, of course- just so that Melody wouldn't have had the chance to change her mind.
She supposed no one else had ever seen her in the swimsuit except Mrs. Maisley, who ran the shelter and who was like a second mom to her. Well, her, and her ten-year old son, Jeremy, and of course, the only other volunteer who worked there, Capri. Capri was a high school senior with tattoos and piercings, but she went to a small, Catholic, private school instead of the public one that Melody attended. Melody wasn't sure how Capri didn't get in trouble with all her tattoos and piercings at her school, and when she had asked her, Capri had told Melody to "mind her business".
But still, even though Capri did think that Melody was a "complete wackadoo" for wanting to bathe the dogs in a pool, and also actually get in it with them, she did also agree that the swimsuit was nice, even if it was a bit too "cheery" for her tastes.
But no one had ever said she looked naked.
The butthead was crazy.
Either way, regardless of how stubborn he wanted to be, he was helping her to bathe Jerry, and Luna, and Eeyore, and Agatha, and especially cute, old Mr. Buckles.
She just had to warm him up…or cool him down. Smiling to herself, Melody picked up the hose.
He realized what she was doing. "Don't you dare Carmichael," he practically growled at her.
But that sounded like music to her ears. "I don't know, " she sang, "that actually kinda sounds like a dare to me Henry and you know how I am about those." And he, of all people, really would know.
He narrowed his eyes. "Carmichael."
Melody grinned as she unleashed the kraken, which roared from the hose as it drenched him. She wanted to do a whole evil laugh right then and there as she watched the water drip from his clothes, but she'd save it for later.
"Seems like we're both wet now…might as well come help me." Melody felt quite proud of herself. Now, he had no reason to try and back out. He was now completely ready for bath time.
Good plan, Melody, good plan.
Although…he wasn't looking at her like he agreed. At all. "Henry?" she asked, but he stayed silent, and just continued staring dangerously at her. Melody gulped. The butthead couldn't be mad at her, could he?
"Henr-" she shrieked as he launched himself at her. Melody leaped out of the pool and began running. What was he doing? She quickly looked behind her and saw that he was close. Too close.
Melody kept running around the obstacle course, mrs. Maisley, had just recently built from the donation money she had only just received a few months ago.
She felt her muscles straining as she jumped over each object in her path. This was more exercise than she'd had all year…and everyone knew exercising was something that was at the bottom of her list. It was actually so far at the bottom of the list that it actually fell off into the land of nonexistence.
"Wait, can we talk about this?" She glanced back quickly. But not wanting to trip over anything and end up in a colossal disaster, she kept her gaze in front of her.
She whirled around the cylindrical, open-ended tube, suspended in the air, and almost had a heart attack as he nearly grabbed her. She ran around and around without looking back but could still feel that he was right behind her. It seemed like they were stuck in a bit of a stalemate, but she wasn't entirely sure he wasn't holding back. He liked to do that. She knew.
Probably to get her guard down.
However, the energy suddenly changed in the air and she knew he had stopped chasing her. Melody pumped the brakes not wanting to accidentally run right into his trap.
Backing up a bit, she stared at his expression, his folded arms.
"Okay, Henry," Melody breathed, holding up her hands slowly, as she stood on one side of the tube and watched as he waited on the opposite end. He was still giving her that hard look. No amusement whatsoever in them.
Not good.
Melody also did not like that he hardly looked tired at all while she was panting, already deeply exhausted. What was wrong with the butthead that he wasn't dying like she was? Did he train for this or something? She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.
"Can we just talk about this?" she asked again, sweetly. Surely, he would see her side of the story…that she was just being helpful. That was all. It being also funny was just a bonus.
"There's nothing to talk about, Carmichael," he said dryly. Still no amusement in those grim reaper eyes of his.
Melody gulped again. What was he going to do to her? Was this going to be her last day on Earth? She never imagined he would be the one to take that honor from her mother.
"Why don't we just think about -"
He suddenly moved in her direction and Melody jumped, running for her life once again.
She could only get another few feet before she felt him grab her from behind, clutching her to his chest as they fell to the ground. As his back slammed into the dirt, Melody felt the vibration rattle through her bones.
"Henry," she groaned, still feeling the impact.
Sucking in deep breaths, she braced herself against him and sat up, but soon tensed as she quickly realized their position.
There she was…sitting right on top of him.
Eyes widening, she tried to get away, but his hands kept her firmly in place. And Melody could now see that his eyes were shifting, becoming more gray than green.
It was something that she would have been fascinated by and maybe even would have said something about if it weren't for where she was currently seated.
She gasped as he suddenly flipped her over so that she was now snugly beneath him.
Melody was too surprised to say anything more as she stared at his now intensely, darkened eyes. His gray t-shirt, still soaking wet, clung tightly to his arms and chest. She could feel how wet his jeans were pressed against her exposed skin.
What was he doing?
Melody felt a tingly feeling start to spread through her body. She didn't know what that was, but she did know she had to get free of whatever this was.
"What are you doing?" she asked, voicing her thoughts. He didn't respond as he continued staring down at her.
"Henry," she yelled as she pushed at his chest, trying to move him, but he didn't budge an inch.
He just continued remaining silent.
He almost seemed like he was caught in a trance as he eyes slowly trailed up her body until he got to her face and suddenly Melody felt a warm feeling spreading in her cheeks.
What was he doing? And why wasn't he saying anything?
And why was he just….staring at her?
"Butthead!" she yelled, trying to get him to react, her hands pushing at his chest once more.
However, in one swift move, he caught her arms and pinned them over her head.
Melody gasped as she felt completely trapped by him.
She stared at him questioningly, the shock of the whole situation keeping her silent. She felt confused, but not…afraid. Even though he had her completely pinned to the ground, she knew he would never actually hurt her. They may not have known each other long, but this she knew without a doubt. Even though it may not have made sense to anyone else.
And actually, if Melody was being honest, the whole thing was kind of… buzzy? Maybe buzzy wasn't the right word, but she had never experienced anything like this before and the newness of it was kind of like how she felt when she got to do a dare.
Not that she would ever tell him anything like that.
"Tell me Carmichael," he finally said, in a very low, dangerous tone, "why the fuck do you think you could do something like that?"
Melody eyes widened. She had kind of forgotten that he had actually been mad at her the entire time. "It was funny," she exclaimed. He glared at her and she looked away, biting her lips. Okay, so he really didn't agree with her.
"I mean, besides you wouldn't have wanted to help otherwise," she grumbled while looking up at the clear, blue sky above them. "And how else would I have gotten you to do bath time?"
"I see…so you really thought that little stunt of yours was actually going to work out for you?" he asked, and she said nothing in response as she watched a few clouds drifting by in the sky. Besides, she didn't know what he wanted her to say.
Grabbing her by the chin with his other hand, their eyes met. "Tell me," he said, "do I look like I'm laughing?"
Melody gulped and began shifting uncomfortably beneath him. The feeling of his body on top of hers, his face being this close…she truly wasn't sure what to think or say anymore.
"Carmichael," he growled, his hand moving to hold her in place. "Stop doing that," he said slowly.
"Why should I? You're the one who won't let me go," she reminded him.
Did he forget that he was the one keeping her in this uncomfortable position.
She continued squirming, trying to free her hands in vain from his.
She didn't understand. What exactly did he want?
Maybe she should have just apologized. But she didn't want to give him the satisfaction, especially not now that he had tackled and pinned her to the ground. In her mind, they were more than even.
Melody could feel the rays of the sun beating down, feel the beads of sweat gathering in even more places than she was used to…
This had definitely been her exercise for the year.
And the sun was so hot…how long were they going to stay like this?
She would have to figure some other way out of this if the butthead was indeed waiting for an apology. She was not going to admit that perhaps the whole "spraying him down with the hose thing" maybe wasn't so funny. Even though, it still very much was to her.
She began shifting again and he made a sound she hadn't heard before. "Do I have to remind you, butthead, that you're the reason I'm stuck here," she shot back. She was the one getting chafed up by his rough, wet jeans…what did he have to worry and make sounds about?
"Carmichael," he started, his grip loosening on her.
She realized the shifting thing would probably work to get him to release her, but she wasn't lying about that chafing. She would have to try something else.
And Melody wasn't sure why she did what she did next.
Later on, she would chalk it up as being possessed by a crazy banshee or something…She felt like they were always being blamed for something or the other, so why not?
And she was always curious about meeting one anyway.
Staring into his darkened eyes, she reached up, and before she could second guess herself, she pressed her lips to his. She felt his body tense as she tried to kiss him the way she had last time. Hard and deep. Her hips instinctively moving against his.
Something inside her knew he would be completely surprised and that would allow her to make her grand escape.
His grip loosened completely as another low sound escaped him. Melody knew that was her chance as she pushed him hard enough for him to fall back. Scrambling quickly off the ground, she glared at him.
"What was that for, butthead?" she yelled, brushing the dirt off herself. "Now I'm going to need to take a bath too. I mean good thing one's already all set up, but still…"she muttered.
Orion stared at her in shock as if he really couldn't believe what had just happened, and then he started laughing.
Melody wondered how hard he had hit his head when he tackled her.
"Even when you do the most normal things, it's still always the craziest shit," he said as he continued laughing. Now what did he mean by that? How could he call her crazy when he's the one who ran her down, tackled her and then held her hostage on the ground.
Melody glared at him.
She didn't recall ever really glaring at someone so much before… not until she met him, but he really just brought it out of her.
"I'm glad you find this funny, but now I'm all dirty and we still have work to do so if you're done being a complete lunatic, we need to -"
"Why'd you do that?" he asked, interrupting her, suddenly sounding serious.
He was still sitting on the grass, staring at her as if she had turned into a completely different person to him.
"Do what?" she asked, feigning innocence.
She didn't want to talk about what just happened. She barely knew what just happened.
But he wouldn't let it go. "Why did you kiss me," he said slowly, enunciating each word.
Melody cringed. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea after all if he was going to make a big deal out of it. Although, who was he to make a big deal out of this? Not after what he had done.
She stayed silent.
She shrugged. "It was nothing. I just knew it would work."
"You kissed me just because you knew it would work?" he said, repeating her words slowly.
"Yeah," she crossed her arms. "What's the big deal?"
Orion sighed. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath.
He got up, dusting his hands off as he walked towards her. "Look Carmichael, I know I fucked up your first kiss, but that doesn't mean the next time you kiss someone it can't be…special, you know, exactly the way you want."
Melody looked away. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. "That's exactly what it means," she whispered.
She heard him mutter more curse words under his breath, Melody bit her lip as she continued staring hard at the ground, not wanting any tears to fall.
Why'd he have to say that? And bring everything back up for her again.
"Carmichael," she heard him say, but she refused to look at him. "Carmichael," he repeated, but her gaze remained rooted to the ground. Her lips pressed firmly together as she tried to hold back more tears.
She heard him sigh.
Her eyes snapped to his face, a shiver running through her. She had never heard him say her name before.
"I'm sorry, really. I don't know how many times I can say that to you. But I know it won't ever change anything. Even doing this whole "volunteering" thing won't change anything," he sighed, looking away before returning his gaze to her.
"I am sorry, truly," he said again. She nodded slowly. Although, she wasn't entirely sure she had fully forgiven him yet.
He continued looking deeply at her. "But I need you to understand something," he said slowly, "don't you ever do that again."
She blinked, surprised by his tone. "Henry -"
He rubbed his thumb gently across her lips, silencing her. "The next time you kiss me," he continued, still staring intensely at her, "you better make sure you really fucking mean it."
Melody shivered as she suddenly felt goosebumps on her skin.
What did he just say?
"And that Laila is the story," she finished, finally. Although she was leaving some bits and pieces out, but the most important part - the kiss- had been covered.
Melody tried to imagine her friend's reaction, but realized she had no idea what Laila would actually say to all of this. She would need to actually call her friend and get a real response…She needed to know what Laila truly thought about the whole crazy situation with the butthead.
…and why all of a sudden, Melody, now had a strange, fluttery feeling in her stomach whenever she thought about him.