Hello! Hope you're enjoying it so far! Let me know what you think :)
Chapter 2 - Jack
"Don't worry about it, Sades. Tuly's mad at both of us now so we can get through it together." Sadie lent over the pool table, not fully taking in what I'd said. A strand of her orange hair fell into her face but she didn't seem to notice, when Sadie was focused, nothing could distract her.
"Uh huh..." She said before carefully and calculatedly making her shot. She missed by a few millimetres and I heard her curse under her breath. She stood up and blew the strand of her out of her hair. I had to hold back a grin as it didn't fell back into place and she was forced to move it behind her ear, "Sorry, I didn't catch that."
"I was just saying how Tuly's mad at both of us now so we can ride it out together."
"Nah, we should apologise," She stepped back from the table, "Your turn." For a second, I didn't respond. It sounds sappy but I was distracted by her. She was stunning without even trying. I'd never tell anybody but she looked better in her old dungarees than Tulip did in one of her tight red dresses.
"Oh right." I went forward, aware of Sadie's gaze on me. She was the only person who could beat me at Pool, darts... most things to be honest. I missed the ball by a good few centimetres. I'm always worse with Sadie around.
"Bad luck," She patted her hand on my shoulder and walked forwards, "When will the other guys get here?"
"Other guys?"
"Yeah, Archie, Nick, Vince... the guys." I didn't quite know how to respond: I couldn't tell her that I'd accidentally on purpose not told them we'd be here, although knowing them, they'd show up. At least I'd get to spend a bit of time alone with her, rather than sharing her with a bunch of other guys who were in love with her. I didn't like them much either, especially that smarmy git Vince. He always seemed to be here everyday and would suspiciously never stay if Sadie wasn't here.
"Oh, they should be here soon."
"They'd better be here soon," She laughed, "Or they'll miss you."
"Tuly goes to bed at 11.30, it's 10.30."
"She'll want to talk about whatever is bothering her and she'll be even madder at you if she has to wait until the morning."
"She's already mad. I came straight back from work only to ditch her."
"That's a dick move." She said half distracted by her shot. This time it was perfectly calculated and the ball went straight into the pocket. She jumped in happiness and turned around briefly, a large grin on her face, "This is just too easy. You're off form, Jack."
"I have a lot on my mind." I replied trying to appear nonchalant. I couldn't let on that she was the thing on my mind. She had been for the last few months.
"Seems everybody does nowadays." She muttered. The strand of her hair had fallen in front of her amber eyes. I resisted the urge to lean forward and move it for her. The bar seemed silent, waiting expectantly for her shot just because it was Sadie making it. Almost effortlessly, the ball fell into a pocket. She stepped back triumphantly, her eyes gleaming and her -
"Nice shot, Sadie." A familiar voice snapped me back to reality. Vince. Of course, fucking Vince is here. She turned around her face breaking into a smile.
"Vince! I was beginning to think you guys weren't coming." She clumsily dropped her cue and ran up and hugged him. It must have been my imagination but it looked like she caressed his neck slightly and hugged him for a little too long. Probably just my imagination.
I'd always been slightly jealous of Vince. For a start he was taller than Sadie, he must have been about 6'3 or even 6'4 as Sadie had to reach onto her tip toes to hug and she was a solid 5'9. It automatically made him more masculine in my eyes, the height difference. Sadie could look me straight in the eyes in flat shoes, something Tulip had to wear ridiculous heels to do. He was so fucking handsome too, dark blue eyes, deep auburn hair. He had the face of Adonis and it pissed me off.
He was also single. And I was in a relationship with her best friend. Vince 1 - Me 0.
"Alright, Jack." He said nodding his head slightly, "Losing at pool again?" He laughed and I saw Sadie smirk.
"He's off form, Vince, give him a break." She muttered as she leant over the pool table. I watched Vince's eyes trace up her long legs in the dungarees, finally making their way to her head, where her ponytail had slipped off her shoulder and was trailing on the pool table. This time, her shot was off by a good few centimetres off this time and she stepped back dismayed.
"Why don't we play darts instead. We play pool every bloody night." Vince said.
"Yeah," Sadie said distantly, "I'm sick of pool anyway." They both strolled off, leaving me feeling like some unwanted third wheel.
Bloody Vince.