This chapter's existence is completely unnecessary, but I feel like it's a good way to end the story.
So, I promised an epilogue, and here it is! I'm currently on winter break and will be working on a new story. Maybe editing this story as well. I'm sorry this epilogue is so short, but to be honest I couldn't really think of anything else to add.
If you've made it this far in the story, I just want to thank you for your support. Just by reading this, you have encouraged me to become a better writer!
Without further ado, here's the epilogue!
Matthew's POV
It was a hot summer afternoon, around ninety degrees Fahrenheit, if I had to guess. Overhead, the birds sang as I tried to calm the rapid beating of my heart. For maybe the fifth time in two minutes I tried to straighten my tie, running my hands through my hair, trying to make myself as presentable as possible. Ethan smirked up at me from the bench he was sitting in. It took a huge amount of self control to keep from scowling. Even though we were - what? Twenty six? Even though he was twenty six, he still acted the way he had when he was thirteen. His fiancé, Kath, stood with the other bridesmaids, and I let a small smile slip when I remembered that once, she and Kendall had been fighting over me. But she was over it now, and she grinned as our families awaited Kendall's arrival.
We stood there for what felt like an eternity. I rubbed my sweaty palms against my dress pants, trying to look calm and collected at the same time. Finally, I spotted her, slowly walking down the aisle, arm hooked around her father's. My breath was taken away. For a second I almost forgot my cool demeanor, and I wanted to run to embrace her. After all, she was beautiful.
I blinked twice, my jaw dropping. Absolutely. Stunning.
She made her way past the crowd, passing her family, offering a shy smile when she waved at Mrs. Barnett, and Luke, her brother. My head felt cloudy when she slowly turned her head to stare at me, and I beamed when I studied her face; her soft lips, her smooth cheeks. And her hazel eyes stared right into mine. I remembered the day so long ago, when she could barely look at me straight in the face. We were past that now, as I looked down to study her dress. It was a lacy white ball gown, complete with crystal earrings that somehow made her eyes seem to sparkle.
It was as if time slowed down. For a second I was worried that I would faint, but the feeling passed. And somehow I knew. I craned my head to look to my left. Mom.
The bright blue of her eyes were diluted by tears; I sniffed when she lifted her delicate hand to wipe her face. In a split second I was almost knocked over with realization. Realization of how lucky I was to have Kendall. What an amazing person my mother was. My whole body felt warm when she approached me, placing her hand on my chest.
For two seconds, we stood together, her hand over my heart, until the seconds stretched out and felt like years. Finally, she spoke. "I love you, Matthew," her voice was merely a whisper, but I closed my eyes when I felt the words run through my head like water.
"I love you too," I responded as I felt a gentle breeze against my face. When I opened my eyes she was gone. The air around me smelled like roses, my mom's favorite flower. I glanced downwards at the rose pinned to my suit. Had it all been a daydream?
I glanced around to find some proof that what I saw had actually happened. Instead, Kendall stood before me, eyes locked on my face.
"I love you," she mouthed, and the side of my mouth twitched up in a smile. Part of me wanted to go somewhere private, while the other half of me wanted this wedding ceremony to last forever.
"I love you more," I responded, and she answered by rolling her eyes. I took her hands and held them steadily in mine. Her hands, like mine, were warm, with the slightest trace of sweat.
"Nervous?" I whispered. Kendall lowered her head, biting her lip as she glanced upward at my face.
"I'm just so thankful that we got this far."
Something to the left caught my eye and I turned my head to look at Ethan, who was trying to subtly wave at me. Kendall noticed this as well and her eyes flickered over to my friend. Ethan raised his eyebrows at me and proceeded to make gestures that were highly suggestive. I felt Kendall's body get warmer, and she was starting to blush. When I turned back to Ethan, I glared at him, eyes full of fire, until he stopped. Though Ethan was still my best friend, he could be remarkably annoying at times.
"Friends, we have joined here today to share with Matthew Colin Farrell and Kendall Marie Barnett an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one."
I felt chills go down my spine. I shut my eyes and opened them once again. Kendall and I...from now on we're one.
Momentarily, the rest of the world disappeared as Kendall and I stood there together, and after what felt like only a few short seconds, the priest handed me a small card. I read, "I, Matthew Colin Farrell, take you, Kendall Marie Barnett, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." My heart thumped against my chest. I was having a strange feeling of déjà vu as Kendall returned the vow, and all of a sudden I remembered. That wedding. When Kendall and I were in seventh grade, we had attended our teacher's wedding. That was where we started, and now, at our own wedding, we would start a whole new journey together.