Eight people, each wearing hoods the same color as each one's eye and magic, sneak into the cavern where the Sinsai, its children, and three prisoners are in. One hides a terrible secret. This one has eyes that are as green as oak trees in the spring, and his magic is deadly as a sword.

This one disobeyed their master, and nobody knows except their master themself. The eight hooded figures sneak past guards and Sinsai children a bit too easily, their destination: the prisoner cage. They finally get to the cage where for once, everyone is asleep but Tensiron. The misleading hooded figure with magic as deadly as a sword walks to the cage and whispers to Tensiron so only he could hear, "Did you like the trick I played to get you banished, or did you like the one where I impersonated you and scared your little girlfriend?"

Tensiron's eyes open, glowing ruby-red. The hooded figure's plan worked. He made Tensiron look as though he was mad with power, when that was a lie. Tensiron shreiks inhumanely, screaming words in the language of rage. Sonise pulls the traitor figure back and asks, "Are you okay?"

The hooded traitor even attempts to look the part, widening his eyes and shaking, he nods like he was genuinely scared to death. "Oh, you poor thing! Aren't you glad you're not his apprentice anymore?" The Queen asks. The traitor, otherwise known as Markason, nods and pretends to relax as the Queen hugs him.

While Tensiron was glaring at Markason, Henry had snuck around the cage and freed his mother and King Pero. Both of hem squirmed in his grasp, both of them tried telling them that Mark as on made Tensiron mad, and both of them said Tensiron was innocent. Nobody listened.

Henry exclaimed to Pero, "Wait stop King Pero, listen to me!" Pero stopped squirming and looked at Henry confused.

"I-I-We have-... bad news. P-P-Penorsis is gone. There is nothing left." Henry stammers.

Pero stares at him, eyes wide. "No... you're lying!" Pero exclaims, bursting into tears, "N-Never... never would-"

Sarah watches the heartbreaking scene. Pero is sobbing uncontrollably. Henry says, "I'm sorry. The Sinsai attacked. We weren't there Pero, we're sorry." One of them wasn't sorry, he coughed to hide his smirk, but Tensiron saw it clear as day. Tensiron shreiks, "This is your fault Markason, ALL YOUR FAULT!" he says in a language even worse than the language of rage. Everyone, besides Markason who understood every word, only heard a bunch of gibberish with Markason's name in the middle of it.

Even though she had absolutely no idea what Tensiron had said, she assumed it wasn't good and walked up to Tensiron and bopped him on the nose like he was a cat. Sora exclaimed after doing that, "If you want us to know what you're saying, speak English!"

Sora turns around in the opposite direction and walked back to the "good" group.

"Oh, I understood every word," Markason says. Everyone stares at him as he walks away, and they follow, leaving Tensiron in the cage alone.

Sarah stops and looks back at Tensiron, who is sitting calmly in the cage, his eyes back to their normal color. "Guys, wait!" Sarah exclaims, she has a brilliant idea. Everyone, besides Markason, turns and look at her with confused looks on their faces.

She motions for them to follow until they are all gathered in front of the cage. "Sora, open the cage please," Sarah says politely. "Sora, she can't be trusted! She's friends with Tensiron!" Markason exclaimed. Sora glares at him. "She's my friend, I trust her," Sora replies.

So Sora opens the cage despite Markason's protests, Tensiron doesn't move. He sits there, and stares at Sarah with a pleading look.

Sarah realizes what he needs and she walks into the cage and helps him stand up.

He's holding his left ankle inches from the ground, and Sarah is unable to get him to attempt to walk. She stands supporting his left side and Sora walks over supporting right side. They walk him slowly out of the cageband Henry closes the door and locks it when they finally make it out.

Markason is fuming with rage so much he runs over and pushes Tensiron backwards and Sora and Sarah have to lift him up again. Markason yells, "YOU WILL FINALLY SEE WHAT I CAN REALLY DO!"

Markason turns into the Sinsai. Everyone gasps. Tensiron whimpers hoarsely, "How d-did y-y-y-you?"

Markason- or rather- the Sinsai's eye sockets glowba blood-colored red. "I am immortal! I took the body of an apprentice when I saw you. I was 'the Sinsai' ever since I was born. I have been looking for a more older, suitable body to possess. And now I've found one, you," the Sinsai shrieks at Tensiron.

"But first, I think I'll go have some fun, you know- maybe destroy a village or two," it states. The Sinsai flies out of the cavern, cackling madly. Everyone stares at each other worriedly.