Luka plopped down at the edge of brice's bed, eyeing him with glassy bedroom eyes. Hsi eyes were a palcid green, like the leafs pepering the treebranches outised his wimdo, lookinh into brices bark brown eyes like the branches that held up the leafs mentioned in the previous sentence. Liukas spindly fingers intertwined through brices long, beigy green hair , gently tugging it behinf his ear.
"whats on your mind honeybun?" luka murmers, noticn g the sadness poking through brices retnas
"my moms dead" bricechokes out benigning to sob
"would a dick suck help youy?" luka bedroom eyes the man up llokkgin al smeksei and shit
"yes daddy" brice respondses to the younger, suddelny all erect and shit. The though t of his dead mommy left his brain at the mention fo filatio
Luke grins and yoinks the brassy dudders pants and peeps his smekxi pepe and [proceed sto lick all over the mans GIRTh
"ooooooooooooyaaaas pappy suck mi dongle" he ejaculats loudly at luka
"ugrlgblbgbrgblbglebglbge" luka manages to say around the large weenie
"ooooooooooooo ima squart" brice SCREAMS
He guzzles the cum like he guzzles the cum, like a baby sucking his mothers titty for dear life. Nothing can stop this onslaught of ejaculate, this cum will fuck ur area up.
Lukah pulls his head off after beconing a cadburry cream egg
"feel better babby"
"ughhguhgghhgh" brice literally dies
"awwww yea sucked him to death"