As you are no doubt aware this series is being published. Eternal Covenant, Eternal Possession and Heart of Eternity, Eternal Temptation, Eternal Craving and recently Eternity is Forever, have now been published. Eternal Youth is due for release early rest of this series will also be released at regular intervals.

I have left the first four chapters of this book up for you to read but to get the complete story you will need to get a copy from one of the many outlets selling it.

For updates about this book and other books in this series please go to my Author Facebook page (K.G. Inglis ). For other updates, please go to my webpage: .com

Thank you for all your past and continuing support with my stories, my books wouldn't be reaching a wider audience of people now if it wasn't for you and I hope you continue to follow the series as more of this story unfolds in the books to come.

K.G. Inglis