This Is A Happy Poem.
I write about darkness too often, I write about death and turn it into something
delicious. I guess that is the thing about writers; we need to transform things
and make them new.
Death to glory. Love and agony.
So what do I do when I need to write about you-
Who deserves only sunlight.
I mull over ideas in my head, turning them over and inspecting them like
little dolls that I am modeling, placing words over them then tilting my head
this way and that, doesn't look quite right
so move on to the next.
What can I say about you that-
you haven't already heard.
I clap my hands, metaphorically of course, and my brain rushes to answer
the demand, chop! chop! the gears start turning and I need to
focus on one, the prettiest, most natural model, of all
You and me and the words I'm too embarassed to share.
You and me
and our lips-
But it is an unknown, and maybe I could write about that
Fifty Shades of a First Kiss
would our noses bump, would my palms be sweaty, would
your mouth be open or closed
who knows...
What a dangerous fascination us writers have, confusing
fantasy and reality.
Writer's Block,
writer's block-the workers in my head sit down.
And maybe they were right, maybe they have been this whole time
there are none
no words, to describe us-you me or what that moment would be like
let it be, let it be, they sing it softly, patting my head
acknowledging my love and need for their reckoning.
It is reassuring
and this,
well this
is a Happy Poem.
For you.
And me.
And the words that will never say enough.