p class="p1" style="margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"In Victorian England certain expectations were placed on gender, amongst other expectations; Moreover, these expectations were vigorously reinforced by social appropriateness and class structures;in fact, The essential truth of the day was that women were suppose to according to woolf's phantom, "above all, be pure" (par3). Pure meant that one followed all which is expected of a woman. These expectations restricted one's role,language, thoughts, and actions to become clean and what men wanted to hear according to society and men themselves. However,span class="Apple-converted-space" /spanas one may surmise not all enjoyed following these rules; In fact, many writers wrote works of literature that criticized and pushed back upon such expectancies. Charlotte Bronté's Jane Eyre, which was a Victorian Novel, was a masterpiece that criticized and commented on such restrictive expectations of women. Jane Eyrespan class="Apple-converted-space" /spanaddresses many aspects of gender expectations in the Victorian Era Including women's duty to please and flatterspan class="Apple-converted-space" /spanwhile sacrificing the truth, ultimate submission to men, and A lack of self identity./p
p class="p1" style="margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"span class="Apple-converted-space" /spanBecause the pleasing and adoration of men were more important than honesty and trustworthiness, In the Victorian Era, Priorities for women were different in terms of ethics. It was more important that the men had a better image of themselves than for women to correct them or disagree with their notions. In fact, ONe must according to Virginia Woolf's phantom, which was whispering in her ear, "'be sympathetic; be tender; flatter;deceive; use all the arts and wiles of our sex'" (par3), which amounts to it's appropriate to lie. This encourages women to be dishonest and unethical: Moreover, it justifies behavior, which is not desirable or trustworthy, and probably should not be practiced by anyone. Charlotte bronté, a woman, does not agree with this completely. In Jane Eyre Mr. rochester asks if she deems him handsome, and she replies truthfully but briefly, that she did not; However, this violates social expectations of Women and in a result Mr. Rochester deems that "there is something singular about you" (133). The reason for his thinking this way is due to the fact that not many women would not flatter men, and answer that they were not handsome. According to Woolf's phantom, and Jane after she "had deliberated, have replied to this question by something conventionally vague and polite" (133),which was the correct answer for Women to assume. Jane Initially rejects this expectation because being honest is not perhaps the most socially acceptable answer, but one which was ethical and moral at least. but Bronté by this interaction shows that sometimes it may be better to go for the socially acceptable answer if it wasn't really going to cause actual damage' however, The honest and moral answer isn't quite wrong either. Similarly another example is from the Woolf essay, where she is conscious of "what men will say of a woman who speaks the truth about her passions" (par 5), because she is a female writer; hence, displaying her passions and much of what makes writing interesting is considered indecent. She claims this realization has roused her from her artist's state of unconsciousness" (par 5)., because women are suppose to not show their mind or honesty. She has not kept the commandment of the phantom, who had haunted her. Another example is later in Jane Eyre when Mr. Rochester puts forth a seemingly challenging moral inquiry concerning a man who left his country for mistresses, secretly talking about himself, Jane has a shocking reply. She answers not as society expects, in agreement and politely even if she knows that would be endorsing his unethical behavior, but by saying "'if any one you know has suffered and ered, let him look higher than his equals for strength to amend and solace to heal'" (221). This is indeed a great religious statement, but not befit for a woman, who is suppose to flatter and please men, to utter in the Victorian Era, because such statements is trying to guide men to what is correct, and is more or less a criticism of men. Women in Victorian England is not suppose to Criticise men. Bronte here is rejecting social expectations by making a point that by asking women to follow social expectations of them, would force her to do the unthinkable and immoral. According to Woolf this is just the case with being a woman, and definitely a challenge because at that time society deems that if you are a woman, you are socially highly discouraged in "expressing what you think to be the truth about human relations, morality,sex" (par 3). This is simply not the realm for women, and it would mean they lose their pure and tender nature. A final example of this is when Jane Eyre confronts St. John Rivers concerning his passion for Rosamond Oliver, which he rejects. Well in to the conversation Jane not only does not flatter and agree with him amicably she confronts him by observing: "'You tremble and become flushed whenever miss Oliver enters the schoolroom" (379), which is definitely true. This type of confrontation with a men far from flatters them, and it startles a man who is very strictly observant of Victorian expectations such as St. John; however, it is the truth, which he is in need of hearing. Becausespan class="Apple-converted-space" /spanflattering men would mean distorting the truth and allowing for men to happily live in their fantasy bubble, Through Jane Bronté rejects gender expectations. To challenge Men's notions shows them the reality that they deny, and such reality is a fact that they eventually will need to accept' moreover, Jane by being confrontational is being kinder and more honest with St. John, because by denying such feelings it is tormenting his soul. Woolf certainly seems to push back against these restrictionn, which by the time that she gave this speech had greatly been lessened; however, she does give them the benefit of the doubt. and claims "I doubt that they realize or can control the extreme severity with which they condemn such freedom in women" (par 5). Not only does Jane Eyre discuss and challenge flattery and deception of men, it also challenges a similar topicspan class="Apple-converted-space" /spanin terms of submitting to men./p
p class="p1" style="margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"span class="Apple-converted-space" /spanSociety especially men of this era expected women to submit to them quietly; moreover, women are suppose to be spoiled by men and depend on them. Men was suppose to be the class that was suppose to be strong, dominant, independent, and powerful' on the contrary, according to Woolf women's "purity was supposed to be her chief beauty" (par 3), her chief characteristic. The perfect woman "excelled in the difficult arts of family life" (par 3), as their counterpart the perfect men would be the master of the house, supporting it financially, establish order, make decisions; moreover, The perfect lady would compliment this by "sacrificed herself daily" (par 3), because men were busy supporting the house and making decisions. Someone has to be able to cary this out for men and submit to strategic wishes and plans. In many ways Jane eyre both rejected and followed this sstandard. Jane will rject such notions when she feels it is appropriate and goes against her values. Jane is a plain governess, and Governesses are employed by the family; moreover, because this would be a complete breakdown of frofessionalism and could lead to misconduct in a household, for a governess to date a man she works for and have a relationship with him is improper, and governesses are much lower in rank in society than a gentleman who would employ them; however, If Jane was just to live with him and not be his governess for a lack of a home of her own, this would be improper, because men and women who are not married do not live together at this time. Governess es do not eat with their master's family, due to this mindset. Mr. Rochester's request that Jane has dinner with him,then was unethical and was as Jane felt the beginning of a path to immorality; Hence, Jane refused Rochester by excusing herself politely: "'Indeed, begging your pardon, sir, I shall not. I shall just go on with it as usual. I shall keep out of your way all day, as I have been accustomed to do:you may send for me in the evening, when you feel disposed to see me, and I'll come then;but at no other time" 274). This is technically correct and ethical, but in another sense she violates women's expectations of obedience and duty of submition to men. Bront é uses this example to demonstrate and reject the idea that submitting to men was a good idea, especially when they are asking you to do something that would be unethical. Earlier, Mr. Rochester had try to crown her with jewels and fabulous treasures; Jane refused a few times, but mr. Rochester wouldn't hear of this; However, jane was allowed a request,which he would grant, and the request was as follows: "'I ask only this: don't send for the jewels, and don't crown me with roses" (265). In this way Jane got her way, and did not submit after all, but in another sense the request was unwomanly. She had again defied Rochester. Bronté uses this to show that women should not submit and allow men to spoil, degrade, and dominate them. By marrying, you would take your husband's last name and become his. Some women was known as just the wife of a certain men, even taking their first names. Bronté however does not think this is automatically a great idea, especialy if the woman is still a bit new to the idea of marrying a certain man. Through Jane the message is clear, because when Mr. Rochester presents her with the idea that her name will be Jane Rochester very soon, Jane rejects. In Jane Eyre, she opposes him by verbalizing her feelings by stating, "'It can never be,sir; it does not sound likely" (262). A final example that Bronté speaks through Jane and rejects social expectation is when St. John Rivers insists on marrying her. The convention and norm is that she obeys and submits to him, but she is very vocal about her rejection. She repeats this more than one but she declares, "'I say again, I wil be your curate,if you like, but never your wife" 420), which is a rather strong and firm statement. Bronté suggests here that if a woman is truly not right for a man, and does not wish to marry him, she is allowed to reject and refuse to submit to him, so she is allowed to decide who she submits to. However, Jane does submit and let men be dominant at times. Bronté is not exactly against all forms of submission. An example is the day after Rochester proposes to her and succeeds, Jane feels better and since she excepts very willingly returning the sentiment. she is willing to submit to him. Before this dynamic one could see how Jane's relationship with Rochester was formal and aimed to please without having an expectation that he would understand her or share her definition He was her master, and she her governness; thus, she had to try to please him however she could. Her thoughts change to acomodate this change of situation, and she thinks "I had often been unwilling to look at my master, because I feared he could not be pleased at my look; but I was sure I might lift my face to his now, and not cool his affection by it's expression" (261). This was the precise expectation of women, to submit to their men and be certain that you please them. Doing what pleases men is one way of obeying. It is also correct to allow men to bestow their love and caresses, even if one feels that is controling to them. This is what Jane does, as to her, "it seemed natural: it seemed genial to be so well loved, so caressed by him" (262), and she does not resist him at any point. A final and more drastic example of submission is one involving St. John. As a teacher and master who payed attention to her, expected her to follow his orders and work hard. He had a hold on her, his influence penetrated him, and his control reigned over her, but she still submitted and obeyed him. This was to the point that Jane "when he said 'go,' I went; 'come,' I came; 'do this,' I did it"(404), which is rather extreme. Jane submitted well, which is not usual, and she did this even if she didn't enjoy it. Submission, and oppressed speech is only part of it, which essentially leads to the notion of not having a mind of your own./p
p class="p1" style="margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"span class="Apple-converted-space" /spanTo victorian Era ancestors women were a lesser being than man, and was not suppose to have a mind of their own, no desires or decisions or opinions. The girls' education was indeed nothing compared to boys' education. Girls learnt how to manage a home and to be basically literate. This was the case, because Women were seeen as under men and their helpers; furthermore, women were suppose not to be independent and according to Woolf's phantom were "'supposed never let anybody guess that you have a mind of your own'" (par 3); in fact, they were extensions of their husbands if they were married, masters if they worked, or father if they were at home. If she was to be most correct, because she was an extension of them, she was according to wolf supposed to "preferred to sympathize always with the minds and wishes of others" (par 3). Bronté for the most part did reject it. Through Jane Bronté shows her readers that it is okay to have a mind of your own, because in one's mind, they do have wishes. Men could only resist for so long and be restricted only so much, but they can't stop the desire, because according to Jane "the restlessness was in my nature; it agitated me to pain sometimes: (111). This feeling was in her naturally and not somthing women could wipe out of themselves or that men could force or train out of them. As much as society and men tried to restrict Jane, Jane still longs for freedom, longs for a chance to explore, "longed for a power of vision which might overpass that limit;which might reach the busy world, towns,regions full of life I had heard of but never seen" (111). Another example of having a mind of her own, and rejecting the notion that women should not have a mind of their own, is when Jane Eyre decides she wishes to obey her want not to be amongst a crowd, which Mr. Rochester had invited. Those were his gests and friends,and Mr. rochester had demanded that Jane be present. She showed up and intended to slip out, because Mrs. Fairfax the housekeeper informed her this was quite possible. The correct action was to stay and obey Mr. rochester's demand, but this was not what Jane wished to do. The fact that the thought, "'now is my time to slip away'"(182), occured, and the fact she actually did this is her show and acting on a mind of her own. She obeyed her desires instead of that of Mr. Rochester, which should have been where her mind should sympathize with and wish to synchronize her desires with. However, this was more in character for her personage, and made her feel better in doing this. It is good sometimes to just listen to your own desires. Having a mind of her own, however, isn't always trivial, and may really be healthy for an individual,, because otherwise one may fall in to dangerous situations. An example is Mr. Rochester wanting to Mary Jane, but in the process Jane fines out he already has a wife. This has been something jane can not morally stand, and the situation becomes esculated resulting in Mr. Rochester wishing to transport her to France to live with her as a mistress. This is the case whether he would admit it or not. Mr. Rochester is insistent, and even becomes violent and desperate. Jane having a mind of her ownspan class="Apple-converted-space" /spanis able to escape this in the midst of danger and being mentally traped, and eventually. Mr. rochester became desperate and angry again as "up the blood rushed to his face;forth flashed the fire from his eyes; erect he sprang; he held his arms out; but I evaded the embrace, and at once quitted the room." (323), which was an interesting situation to be in, but she still managed to escape. Without a mind of her own, she would not be able to leave Mr. Rochester, have the idea, or act to save herself from that situation she could have eneded up in. To have a mind of her own saved her, and to have the desires of Mr. rochester would have created a more unfavorable situation. However, Bronté complicates it and doesn't reject it altogether as following desires and being there to serve selflessly and not having a mind of her own can be important at Eyre can be selfless and wholly onboard with the desires of other at times. This example occurs when Mr. Rochester had invited a large number of guests to his house and his old friend, later revealed as a family friend comes to visit Mr. rochester. Mr. rochester gives this friend Richard Mason a room on the second floor, but he goes and visits the third floor. Because the lunatic that lives up on the third floor is his sister, He would like to visit her; However, his crazy sister bit him fiercely. Jane however, had no notion at the time of who the lunatic was and what relations she had with Mason. She knew nothing but heard a noise and a plea for help, and this is where the situation becomes known to her. However, it is selfless, because it was the dead of night, and Mr. rochester required her assistance. She could have had her desires and go back to bed or refuse his command. This is especially true after she sees the horrible state of Mr. Mason. She could have gone back to her room, because she could obey her fears and desires. She was frightened especially after Rochester left her alone, and she could have taken a different route. She could have abandoned her post wiping blood and giving Mr. Mason the water, and she could get back to bed, because she feared for herself. she could have disobeyed Rochester and begin a conversation with Mason, but she did not do this. Instead she followed Rochester's orders. She submitted herself fully and did what he said and wanted. Jane stayed and attended to Mason, and so she "again and again, held the water to Mason's white lips; again and again offered him the stimulating salts: my efforts seemed inefectual" (pp 213-214). Despite not working and knowing that she had other thoughts, Jane submitted and acted selflessly on Rochester's desire. Bronté showed us that by doing all this for Rochester Jane was able to show him her commitment, love, trust, and want to please him. It also showed Mr. Rochester, her commitment as his governess, and a good employee under his roof. Having a mind of her own then is the culmination of the other two, and all three seeks to control women in different ways./p
p class="p1" style="margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;"span class="Apple-converted-space" /spangender expectations in victorian england is restrictiv, and above are examples of how a writer in a book written by her seeks to challenge these ideals. In this we learn how literature such as this is our history and may have even helped with equipping movements of that time. We also understand the works of literature and how it use to be, and what sort of challenges were made to these in terms of fiction. Jane Eyre is a classic, amongst one of the more important ones in literature, and a novel still well read. to understand classics is to understand what role each played in history and it's impacts due to it's themes is important to understanding literature as a genre./p
Jane Eyre and the Social commentary in it's pages by TheGamma