I'm scared, God, so very afraid

I don't know what's to come in the day

I don't know how to be prepared

I'm just so scared I'll make a mistake


I'm scared, Lord, so very full of fear

That I'll lose everything I hold dear

That as this moment passes and another begins

I've lost control over everything


I'm scared, Father, I'm just so lost

Living this life, and at what cost?

I can't see what's ahead, can't change what's behind

In truth, I think I'm losing my mind


I'm tired, God, of being so afraid

I have to trust you a little before I go insane

Make tomorrow shine bright, and the night full of stars

I've made it this far... at least I've made it this far


I'm scared, Lord, but trust in your light

Tonight... I'll close my eyes

And dream in the dark till I arise

Starting again with the fear I despise


Trusting you with my heart... my soul, my eyes

That everything will be alright

Everything WILL be alright?

Won't it, God?

... won't it?

My life...?