My dearest friend,
When the news reached us about the death of your husband and child, I could only weep for your loss. I can only imagine what Hell you are going through, but please don't forget that God's love is stronger than the Devil's despair.
To help comfort you, I have enclosed that which is the most precious thing I possess—my beloved mother's rosary. As I know you'll want to refuse such an offering, consider this a loan instead of a permanent gift. This rosary aided me through the years of the usurper's unholy reign. You were always my steadfast supporter during those dark years, and in this moment of your crisis, I cannot find anyone better who would be worthy to wear the rosary.
I understand that at the moment you would want to stay with Peter. Both of you have much to mourn from this Devil's plague. My deep condolences also for the rest of your Kraven family. I will ask my priest to say special prayers for their departed souls in addition to your husband and child.
If you still are hesitant to accept the rosary on loan, then as a command from your former mistress, I want you to guard it safely for me until you are ready to come back as one of my ladies-in-waiting. There is always a home for you by my side.
Take heart that one day, you will see all of them again by God's side in the kingdom of Heaven as I look forward to reuniting with my beloved mother. Only God will know when that time will be, but until then, we must wait patiently and honor their memories as best as we can.
Remember His holy word: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
With love and grief,
Princess Mary
Thank you to everyone who have read and reviewed Book 1!
Please also consider reading Book 2: Only Time!