She saw rose petals
Rose petals littering the ground
And on the sheets

Evocative of droplets

She saw them leading a trail
To a woman on a bed
A woman who was exposed

A woman whose gaze
Was into vast nothingness, looking through
Eyes so empty that they're dark

A woman whose body
Seemed covered in marks
On doll-like skin

Contorted, broken, and frozen
In abject fear and agony, silent pain
Stains of tears

Running like rivers down her face

Surrounded by rose petals
That stained the sheets

This image felt like a haunting ghost
She feared ending up the same way
A woman whose fate she didn't' envy

She claimed she saw only rose petals

Because she knew they weren't
But her mind could only soften the effect
By changing them into something seemingly innocent

She saw rose petals in trail
Littering the ground and the sheets
Evocative of droplets.