It would be better to be mauled
Than to endure what cruelty a man could come up with

If she had to chose, she'd just get mauled
After all, an animal acts on its instincts
Humans premeditate

She's known how cruel men could be
Her experiences made her afraid of them
If she had to pick

She'd much rather be mauled
Such would be much more merciful
Than the alternatives

In enduring her experiences,
She wished she were taken

If she could have chosen,
She would have died just then

Her father was supposed to be her protector
Yet, he was her biggest bully

An older brother exploited her
An axe put in her back

Her stepfather made passes at her
And the realization sunk in
(Mother made her choice)

A boy was fond of her
But she didn't reciprocate
He chased her

Those were just a few
So, yes, preferring to be mauled was apt
After all, an animal following its instincts

Was kinder than premeditated cruelty
After all, were her fears unjustified?