Stay, Please Stay For all this time that you stayed, Stay, please stay… Stay, please stay… Stay, please stay… Stay, please stay… Stay, please stay… aze
Would it be so selfish of me
to wish for this to never end?
Another day, another week,
another lifetime…
No matter when and where
in this world and beyond.
I cannot be when you are not,
I cannot be where you are not.
Time and space hold no power,
for even life itself cannot end and
dare not break what we have.
Hold my hand like you did
the first time a lifetime ago.
Do you know that I still
remember the feeling?
Don't let me go
Let's watch the seasons change
and fate make its way,
until its my turn
to close my eyes
and breathe my last
in this world.
Stay, Please Stay by hazeleyes627
Poetry » Love Rated: K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 144, Published: 7/30