A driver is divided between controlling their motorized conveyance and their thoughts.
An existence for its part saw unwelcome company today. Imposing massive, massive size. Towering over any human, long pointed tusks of ivory, muscular build. Their form stands ill contented in roadside bush.
Necessity of decelerating their Land Rover to make a bend gives an opening to race from the bush. The driver lost in their dual task is faintly aware of a mass approaching, a roar and no time to mentally process when jolted by a smash. Bam!
A not so small elephant said hi. Ramming sufficient to send their hands off the steering wheel. Tumare's previous thoughts scatter like the mist. Foot off the pedal, the vehicle is slowing. Bam again. Grabbing the wheel in the struggle for control of the swaying vehicle.
The beast paused, standing a few brief moments and chased after again. Elephants outrun people and well…Tumare elects to stop and the give the bad driver a piece of their mind.
Reached realization a king of the bush as its barrelling in about to reach them, Tumare is dumbstruck. The beast arrives and stood facing the vehicle, taking it in. Here a victim for its rage presented itself. The driver couldn't miss the brown eyes, the wrinkled grey skin and accumulated dust caked on pillar legs. For that matter the odour strong to the nose. Painted a stark impression.
Working of its bestial mind settled itself. Grunting, pushed its ginormous head against Tumare's vehicle. The suspension rocks. Could too, outsizing, outweighing a Land Rover. It shall feel wrath.
Tumare could hardly accept what's happening. Backing up a bit, the beast advanced and violently pushed again, so it repeated. One time their hand hits the horn accidentally. The animal tilts the automobile more and more. Then it happened.
Flipped onto its side.
Roars in triumph, gesticulating by ears and trunk. Victor's dominance.
Someone's unlucky day.
Author's note – inspired this afternoon by a video number 8 of incredible animal encounters on YouTube. Did have an elephant or too but no overturning. I've been asked and said publicly that creature is one I'd be were I an animal.
22 November 2021.