Listen, Patriots, and you shall hear tell
Of the Superhuman run of Andrew Chappell,
Who from Lee's old seat of Surrender to that great Obilesk white, in 1965:
Hardly a childless Man is now alive
Who remembers that fateful and infamous Time.
He said to Rockwell, "If the Bill passes
By Court Rule or Vote from the White House lawn's low grasses,
Write of me so Americans may know:
From Appomattox Courthouse to that Monuments' towering tip that in sunlight glows,
Holding Ten Amendments (And no more!) in my Right hand, and with a broken wrist within my Left
And I, when I finish my 110-mile quest
Will have run like the fabled Greek of Marathon and spread a Nation's panic fast
Through every Northern Virginia City and Farm I pass,
For those who built America to be up and to oppose the Act."