Dad walked across the parking lot, holding a bag in one hand. He opened the car door, got in, and handed it to her.
"Here." he said, "I got you something."
"Thanks." she said.
They pulled out of the parking lot and on the highway. Gwen unwrapped the hamburger and took a bite.
"I called Vanessa when I was inside, Sadie's feeling better."
"Oh? Good." she stared out the window. Little brat shouldn't have tried moving her stuff in before I left. On the other hand, if Vanessa hadn't decided she needed Yet Another Family Photo, I wouldn't have had an excuse to put my arms around her. Hope she enjoys it. Smiling to herself, she took another bite.
"College!" Dad burst out. "I can't believe it! My little girl's going to college!"
Gwen, surprised, stared at him.
Taking one hand off the steering wheel, he reached over to pat her leg. "I'm so proud of you, honey!"
"Uh, thanks."
"I didn't never got the chance, you know. I had to start working the day after I finished high school. I didn't have any plans, but fortunately our neighbor owned a gas station. He gave me a job after my mother talked to him." He paused, "You know, if I hadn't been working there I never would have met your mother."
"How did you meet?" Gwen asked. "You never told me."
"Oh, I was working the pumps and she drove up in this blue 'Vette. It matched her eyes. She told me to give it the full treatment. It was love at first sight." He chuckled. "I didn't learn until later that the car wasn't hers. But she didn't care. That was how she was. Did what she wanted and damn the consequences." He paused, lost in a nostalgic reverie. "You excited?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah! I mean, I guess. I don't know."
"Have you talked to your new roommate yet?"
"Not yet. I thought I'd take things as they come."
"Well, good luck."
"Thanks." She ate the last of her hamburger, crumpled the wrapper and put it in the bag. Setting the bag on the floor, she turned to stare out the window again as Dad turned on the radio.