From Europe they came,

And they gave Her a name:

This great nation founded by migrants,

Who, united in Faith,

Made this country so great,

And gave their lives fighting the giants.

As did Nathan Hale

Their spirits prevailed,

Saying "Bow not, but stand up to tyrants!"

They conquered Lake and Land

With the engineers' hand,

And the Colt and the Christ and the cattle.

They saw it come true,

What God only knew!

This union of grain and of metal!

Rebounding over the sea,

Throughout history,

They came and they saw and they settled.

The people who fought

For the freedom they sought,

They prevailed and they conquered the mountain;

In the old village church

All the wars of the earth

Stretched out like waves far beyond counting.

They knew that a land

Needs a gun to withstand

When the hammer of Hell comes a-pounding.