Authors Note: All of this, up until the dance, happened to me. I needed a good ending, so I made it up! Hahaha!

Disclaimer: I only own the character of me. I don't own anybody else but I do know all the people mentioned by name in the story. Last names have been changed to protect the innocent:).

Just One Dance

Thursday Night

At the Bonfire

That was it. I had been dared. Everyone knew that I, Jessica Brown, never, ever, EVER turned down a dare. I took a couple of deep breaths and sighed. I mentally reviewed what I was gonna say to him.

"Jess! Go! Now is your chance, he's walking away!", Audrey nudged me toward the object of my affection, Mike. I looked at her with a look a four-year-old might give her mommy if she wanted to get out of doing something.

"Please don't make me do this!", I begged.

"Wait. What was that infamous saying again? Jessica Brown never turns down a... What was that again Jess?", my friend Sarah asked.

"A dare.", I whispered.

"A WHAT?!"

"A DARE!", I said loudly. Ok, ok. I'm going.

I started behind him and I turned to see if my friends were watching. They were. I don't think they would have missed this for the anything. I saw a couple of thumbs ups and everyone was smiling encouragingly. I turned back around and cleared my throat.


He turned around and said, "Oh hey Jess! What's up? Are you having fun tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm having fun. The bonfire is a blast! Nothing much is new with me. You?", I answered hastily.

"Yeah it is. I'm just hanging out with some of my friends."

"Me too. Actually the real reason I came over to talk to you was to ask if you would save me a dance Saturday night at the Homecoming Dance." I was so relieved to finally ask him!

"Yeah. Sure I will. If I go that is." He looked down at his feet.

"Why wouldn't you go?", I asked.

"I can only go if I win sophomore attendee because my dad won't let me go otherwise."

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry about that. I hope you win(Not just for his sake but for mine too!)."

"Yeah me too. Look, I gotta go but I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I'll be at the game tomorrow night." I said. "Bye Mike."

"Bye Jess."

We parted ways and I told my friends exactly what had happened. They all thought it was so cool. So did I. Now I only hoped he would win.

Friday Night

Halftime at the Homecoming Game

The band had just marched and Homecoming Royalty was about to be announced. The chance of Mike winning was looking pretty slim. Everyone that I had talked to had voted for the couple that had been nominated-Chris and Correy. I was hoping silently that Mike would win so I could have my one dance.
"Ok everyone.", announced Mr. Kretzer over the P.A. "Listen up! The results have been added. Your freshman attendees for the year of 2000 are...Lindsay Garza and Joe Price. Let's hear it for those two! Congratulations guys!"

I had my fingers crossed for Mike and I began to pray: Please God, if you just let Mike win, I promise I'll never ask for anything else again!

"...And your sophomore attendees for the year of 2000 are..."

Please let him win! I thought.

"...Chris Dorsey and Correy Weis!"

My head dropped to my hands and I was so sad that I didn't even hear whom the prince, princess, queen, or king was. I walked down the steps to the concession stand and passed Correy.

"Congratulations Correy! I'm glad you and Chris won.", I said with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Thanks! It's really cool!"

I walked away and bought a can of Sprite.

"Oh well.", I thought. "If I can't have my dance, I might as well drown my sorrows in a can of Sprite.

Saturday Afternoon

Jessica's house before the dance

"Arrrrrr!", I screamed as I slammed the phone down again. My appointment at the salon to get my hair and nails done for the dance had been cancelled because I hadn't confirmed the appointment and no other place in town had an opening.

"I hate my life!", I muttered as I sank down on the couch.

I was in the middle of channel surfing when the phone rang.

"Hello?", I said.

"Hi. Is Jessica home?"

"This is her.", I said.

"Hey Jess! It's me, Bec! What's up?"

"Well, I don't think I'll be coming to the dance after all.", I said.

"Why not?", she asked.

I explained about the appointment and she said, "Don't move! I'll be right over!"

Five minutes later, Becca and I had taken over the bathroom with our makeup, hairspray, and curling irons. Soon, I was looking like a princess.

"Wow! You look good!", said Becca. "I do good work don't I?"

We started laughing and couldn't stop till my mom came up.

"Oh you two look soooooooo cute!", she gushed. "I just have to get a picture."

"Sure Mom.", I agreed. But one picture turned into 2 and 2 turned into 20. You know parents and photos!

"Ok, Mom. We gotta go!", I said. "Our ride is here!"

"Bye Mrs. B!", Becca called out. "See ya after the dance!"

"You two have a good time!", my mom called out.

"We will.", I said, and soon we were in my friend Helen's car and off to the dance.

Saturday Night

At the Homecoming Dance

The gym at our school was packed and the decorations were awesome! I spotted my group of friends and me, Becca, Helen, and Sarah rushed over to start dancing.

"Hey girlies!", I shouted over the music.

"Hey Jess!", Anna yelled back.

"We didn't think you were gonna come since Mike couldn't come. But I'm glad you decided to show.", my friend Tessa screamed.

"Me too! I don't need a silly guy to enjoy a dance!", I hollered.

We were dancing up a storm but soon it was the time during the dance that everyone that goes stag hates-the slow dances. The first two dances I got out of dancing by standing by against the wall with some friends, but the third time, something told me to stay on the dance floor, so I did. Then I saw Mike standing at the door looking around. I grabbed my friend Sarah's arm and started freaking out.

"Look! Look, Sarah! He's here!", I said.

"Where?", she asked.

I showed her and turned to face her. "Ok, tell me if he looks over here.", I said.

"He's scanning the gym. He's looking past us, he's looking at us, he's coming over here. I think he's going to ask you to dance!", she squealed.

It was then that I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to face Mike and was surprised to see him holding a corsage. He took my hand and slipped the corsage on my left wrist. "May I have this dance?", he asked. I had a smile as big as Texas on my face by then. "Yeah, of course!", I responded.

He took my hand and led me on to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest.

"So how did you convince your dad to let you come?", I asked.

"I told him that I promised a really awesome girl a dance and then I begged and he brought me.", Mike explained.

I laughed. "Well, thanks for thinking I'm awesome.

We danced in silence for about 15 minutes and it was then that I realized that my one dance was WAY over. I told Mike this and he nodded.

"I know. It's just that I promised you one dance, but I promised myself the rest of the night with you."

**So, what did you think? Did you like it? Should I keep writing short stories, or should I just forget about it all together? R&R**