What Makes Me Happy? What Makes Me Sad?


Sometimes I feel miserable,

Like the weather on a gloomy September day.

And sometimes I feel happy,

Like a chirping bird when Spring has sprung.

What Makes Me Happy? What Makes Me Sad?

When my friends come round and play,

I feel as happy as that chirping bird.

But when someone dies,

I feel sad and miserable, as the clouds darken,

On that September day.

What Makes Me Happy? What Makes Me Sad?

As my moods change,

Day by Day,

Happy and Sad,

Joyful and Miserable.

Like the chirping bird, when spring has sprung,

And like the weather on a gloomy September day.

What Makes Me Happy? What Makes Me Sad?

My Moods.

That's what makes me happy, that's what makes me sad.