Walking through the door into the night was a relief to all of us. The screen that controlled our life had lost its power long enough for us to gain control. For me leaving the safety of technology was the best thing I ever did for myself. Every time I left into the void I gained something I felt I had lost while in the lights of technologies warm glow.
The adventure originally brought two brave souls. Who lead did not matter and who set the pace did not either. Traveling fast it seemed miles went like lightning as the two lost souls joined us from their screen fix. As we walked we talked of life and the joys and pains that must exist to enjoy any emotion. I had to hesitate seeing what was to come. I didn't feel ready to face the challenge.
I trained my mind to accept the challenge in the future. My traveling mates went on as I stayed back. On there last look behind them one spit upon me. It would have been a shot to me and my character if he were a man who could live without any technology. I knew that I could go into nature and feel at home while he could not go ten feet into nature without praying for buttons, a keypad or some form of wiring. I realizing this joined my friends again and looked down upon them and their need for the glow.
Soon after I joined my party again the children of the glow left us. Our party at two once again forged on. We entered an area knowing it to be a dead end and also knowing that we were not trapped. We talked of this walk, a journey not everyone could enjoy. I didn't want to see a screen or feel a glow I thought my friend felt the same. We had to turn around and find the true path once again. As we turned in a new direction the meek joined us. I knew it would not last with them already speaking of turning back.
The four of us came to an obstacle of no small proportions. The gate to our future. It held the meek who obeyed the screens back. A river on the far side of this electrified wire wonder scared us all but the strong ventured past the river of death. I was scared for a moment when my fellow wonderer slipped into the dark water. The brave man ventured on only bruised. As we ventured on we wondered what had happened to our friends and how they would make it without us or their screens. Finally before the break of day we made it to our unknown destination. Back to where we had to start. A feeling of incompleteness flowed through me and I knew we had to do this same circle again, but defiantly not in the same place.