Misted Memories

Your memory still haunts the cottage

that my heart fell for.

I stand there now, the rooms shrouded in loneliness except for the memories that still play.

Your barrel laugh at the movie I watched behind the sofa

You sitting, engulfed in smoke with a green poker hat

face forward, counting your fortunes.

I asked why you wanted a glowing cigarette.

You sadly answered, "Its not that simple."

I wish you had explained, because it was simple, later on.

Time passed.

No longer could I fling myself at you.

I to make do make do with a formal kiss,

And adults whispering, "He's not able to cope."

Up stairs the worst shadow, slumped against the wall.

A dry blood temple cut, heart stopped before it could bleed

Poppy Mulvaney

Dedicated to Grandad Pat.