Idea of Us

written by: artsydoll

It's hard on me. It's hard on you. It's hard on us.

This is what causes broken relationships.

We don't need to try anymore. No more packaging it up

in a giftbox with a pretty red ribbon, ready to sit under the Christmas

tree. A giftbox full of our memories.

Pandora's box.

A whole lot of bad things that tore us apart, but then,

underneath it all, there's a little bit of hope, a ray of light shining

from the few pleasant situations we've been in.

I pondered forever, wondering if it was worth keeping and

then, like a wrapper from a candy cane, I tossed it into the wastebasket,

kicking it into the corner, listening to the sound of broken glass rattle

inside it.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Or so they say.

It's still there. It's still in front of me, like a dinner plate

full of food that looks less-than-appetizing, but you're so hungry you can't

just toss it out.

The idea of 'us' just isn't clicking for me, but I can't let it

go just yet...

Author Notes: Oops, another 'broken relationships' story.

Sorry Cindy Moon. ^^ Hehe. Please review. I'm not sure how I

personally feel about this yet. It's kind of weird...

-artsydoll, '01