Authors Note:
I had to write a teleplay for English class my freshman year of high school. I couldn't think of anything, so this is what came out. Definitely scary. Interesting though. Very random. I somehow got an A on it. I don't know how. Don't ask. Rated PG for inflatable baseball bats. If you think about it in the right way, it's also kind of philosophical. I think. Shutting up now…Disclaimer:
They do not belong to…hey! Why am I writing this thing? This time they actually DO belong to me! Oh happy day…Huh?! I'm Confused!
Characters: Me
Me #1 (1)
Me #2 (2)
Me #3 (3)
Script Writer (SW)
Director (D)
ME is sitting at a desk towards the left of the stage. Her fist is under her chin and she is thinking hard. ME #1, ME #2, and ME #3 appear from behind her.
ME #1 (assuming the same position as ME; thoughtfully): I need an idea.
ME#2: You do, do you?
1: Yes.
Me #3: Well, you could…
2 (cutting 3 off): Hey! I know!
3 (angrily): You cut me off!
2 (surprised): I did?
3: Yes.
2: Sorry.
1: Can we get back to me?
2 (ignoring 1; apologetically): I didn't MEAN to cut you off.
3: But you did.
Director: Stop it!
Everyone quiets down.
D: That's better.
3 (quietly): I'm still angry.
2 (curiously): Why?
3: Because you cut me off.
2: I didn't hear you talking.
1 (sarcastically, softly): How could you NOT?
3: Grrrrrr…
2: Grrrrrr…
(SCRIPT WRITER runs onto the stage and stands between the arguing 2 and 3.)
Script Writer (frantically): Please! Stop! This isn't what I wrote!
1: Then what did you write?
SW: Not this!
1: Then what?
SW (ashamed; whispering): I don't know.
1 (surprised): What do you mean you don't know?! You wrote the script!
SW: So? I forgot what I wrote…
1: HOW can you FORGET what you wrote?!
SW: I don't know, but…
D (out of nowhere): QUIET! QUIET ALL OF YOU!
2: I think he wants us to be quiet.
1 (sarcastically): What made you think that?
2: Lucky guess?
3 (upset): You heard him. Why didn't you hear me?
2 (angrily): Don't start with that! I SAID I was sorry.
3(sarcastically): Sure you are.
1 (pleading): Can you guys please stop?
SW: How did all this start anyway?
3: You mean you don't know?
SW: Nope. I forget what I wrote and I came in late.
2: You're the Script Writer and you don't know?!
3 (amazed): How is that possible?
SW: I don't know. Why are you asking me?
1: I've tried to figure that out.
3: Have you come up with anything yet?
1: Nope.
2: Oh.
3: I think that Script Writer needs help. (turns to face to the side of the stage) DIRECTOR!
D: What?
3: Come here!
D: Why should I?
3: Because I said so.
D: Is that a reason?
1: I think so. (to 1 and 2) Don't you think so?
2: I definitely think so. (to DIRECTOR) Do you REALLY want to face her wrath?
D: Now that you mention it…(pauses) I think I'll come over. (walks onto stage)
1 (softly under breath): Wise decision.
D (to 3): What did you want to talk to me about?
3 (angrily): That script writer doesn't know what she' s doing. She doesn't remember anything she wrote! How can we know what we're doing if we never got copies of anything and she doesn't remember?
D (confused): Umm, I don't know. How do you?
3: That's what I'm asking you.
D (muttering to self while pacing up and down the stage): Oh, umm, let me think, we could, no, that won't work, that's it! I got it! We could get a new script writer!
SW (screaming at top of lungs; on knees in front of DIRECTOR): NO! You can't! You can't replace me! I'm irreplaceable. (whining) You can't you can't you can't!
D: Why can't I?
SW: Because.
D: Because why?
SW: Because why?
D: Because why.
SW (deviously): Because I said so.
D: Oh. (pauses. Face brightens) Okay then. I won't fire you.
SW (happily; hugging DIRECTOR's legs): Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!
2 (to 1 and 3; angry) Anyone else have any bright ideas?
1: None here.
3: Not at the moment. Give me a few minutes and I'll think of something. (pauses) Whether it will work or not is a different story though.
1 (to 2): Do you have any ideas?
2: Why do you think I asked you guys?
1: True.
3: Yeah.
(Everything is quiet for two minutes. No movement is seen. Somewhere in the distance, a loud noise is heard.)
From Somewhere in the Distance: BOOM!
1 (surprised and scared): WHAT WAS THAT?!
2: I don't know.
3 (matter of factly): It was a BOOM.
2 (sarcastically): No,really? I never would have known that if you hadn't told me.
3: Really?
2: No, not really you… you… you…umm… not smart person! (whacks 3 on the head with an inflatable purple baseball bat)
3: Hey! That hurt! (takes inflatable blue baseball bat and whacks 2. 2 hits 3 back and a miniature war begins.)
2: That hurt!
3: Ow!
2: Watch where you're swinging that thing!
3: Me watch?! You watch!
2: OW!
SW: Did I write this in?
1: Please shut-up. You don't belong here anymore. Good-bye.
SW: Director! Help! You said you wouldn't fire me!
D: Huh?
1: Well I didn't! (shoves scriptwriter off stage.)
SW's voice: Hey! You can't do this to me! I have a contract! (scriptwriter comes storming back on stage, almost bumping into 2 and 3 who are still hitting each other with inflatable baseball bats.)
1: I thought I told you to get lost.
SW: Well I'm back. (takes out green inflatable baseball bat and starts hitting 1.)
1: Ow! Stop that!
SW (evilly with malicious grin and evil cackle): No.
1: Are you sure?
SW: Yes.
1 (warningly): Okay. (takes out red inflatable baseball bat and starts whacking scriptwriter back. Scriptwriter and 1 get into giant fight.)
D: Will you all please stop?
Everyone Else (stops whacking each other and look up): Why?
1: It's fun.
2: We enjoy it.
3: It causes chaos and mayhem and disorder. What could be better?
SW: Wanna join in?
D: That's okay. I think I'll pass.
3: Are you sure?
D: Yes.
1(dejectedly): Oh.
2 (shrugs): It's your loss.
SW: Let the fights resume!
(All the characters start whacking their partners.)
D: I didn't want to have to do this, but… (takes out pink inflatable baseball bat and whacks everyone really hard. Everyone rubs their heads and makes assorted noises of pain.)
Director (continues): That's better. Now, I said, STOP! (Everyone gets quiet and turns their attention to the Director.)
1: Why?
2: What do you want?
3: What do you have to say to us?
D: If you be quiet, I'll tell you.
SW: Okay. We'll be quiet. (others nod heads in agreement.)
D: We have to find out what that BOOM was.
1: You mean you don't know?
D: Nope.
2: Why not?
D: Because I don't. My contract says that I don't have to know.
1: Really?
D: Yup!
3: Cool!
D: Maybe the Script Writer knows.
1: I doubt it. She never knows anything.
D: True.
SW: Hey! It could be different this time!
2: Is it?
SW: Nope. I have no clue what that BOOM was. I think this is no longer up to us. I think we are being controlled by something.
3 (speculatively): Or someONE.
All: Hmmmm….
A Disembodied Voice: Bwahahaha! It took you this long to figure it out? I am the all-powerful ME. I control EVERYTHING that goes on in my mind. Bwahahaha!
1: You do? (pauses to think) Cool! I wanna be all-powerful!
ME: Well, that's just too bad isn't it? There can only be one all-powerful and that's me! Bwahahaha!
3: You like that "Bwahahaha" thing, don't you?
ME: It's my trademark.
3: Oh.
D: Do you know what that BOOM was?
ME: Of course.
SW: Then what was it?
ME: Are you sure you want to know?
1: Yes.
ME: Positive?
2: Positive?
ME: Are you absolutely, positively su…
ME: Okay, okay, calm down. I'll tell you. It was… are you…?
All: YES!
ME: My physical body changing positions.
All: Huh? I'm confused.
Me: I thought you would be.
All: Huh?