An "Into The Darkness" short story by ChosenOne

Rating: R Pairings: Scott/Helen Disclaimer: "Into the Darkness" is ©2000 ChosenOne, whom this piece belongs to. Summary: Helen's thoughts in the aftermath of make up sex with Scott. Author's Note: Italic text denotes thoughts or memories. Read and review, please. I hope you enjoy.


"I hate you. I love you. And I need you."

These were my words to Scott, just a few hours ago, before we held each other so close that I almost thought our hearts would burst and our souls would merge. And then they did. Only carnally, but they did. Scott has always been like this. He's the kind of man that makes a girl wonder if there's really a higher power somewhere.

Though he can become insensitive sometimes, Scott is just the perfect lover, both comprehensive and sweet. Not to mention his physical perfection, which resembles that of a marble-carved Renaissance statue. He is tall, handsome and attractive, but what I admire most in him is the firmness and definition of his muscles, especially those of his upper body. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop admiring his naked form when we are together.

When one considers all this, it's not hard to imagine why so many girls have made Scott their pet obsession. So much so, in fact, that ever since the beginning, I've had to fight very hard for the right to keep this man.

And now I smile at my own foolishness. Why do I keep thinking of him as an object, a possession? This man changed me. Made me feel complete when I wasn't. Gave me joy and warmth. He possibly even saved my life. I'm part of his world, and he strives to make it very clear. I've never loved anyone as much as I love him.

That is probably why I forgave him, even after he cheated on me with one of my closest friends. If I had been thinking straight tonight, Scott wouldn't have won me back as easily as he did. I'm still not quite sure how he managed to, though. Maybe it was his charm. Or maybe the dinner he set up for the two of us. I don't know.

All I know is that before I met, I felt like a small girl, all alone in a huge, scary place, but he showed me the way of safety and brought me right back to his warm arms. I really appreciate everything Scott's ever done for me.

And I made sure I showed him that before he fell asleep.

He stirs but doesn't wake up. I look over at him. He's so sweet when he's sleeping. He must have been really cute when he was a kid. His black hair, normally spiky, is now tussled over our pillow, drenched in sweat from our lovemaking. His firm toned chest rises and lowers with each intake of breath. I rest my hand over it, feeling the rough skin under my fingers. I can also hear his gentle heartbeat, drumming ever so softly as he sleeps.

I snuggle closer now, seeking the heat of his body. He smiles and mumbles something in his sleep. As I watch him closely, I realize it was my name he said. Not as intensely as just minutes ago when we were finishing, but it was still my name. And this makes me realize something new, that I have found true love in Scott's arms.

He is a perfect fit for me. Not just in body, but also in soul. Outside his warm, comforting bedroom, the night is stormy and agitated, but I decide that I'm safe with him around and flutter off to sleep. Joining my lover.


Into The Darkness ©2000 ChosenOne Comments? Suggestions? Send them to chosenone .