The hoard of goblins was moving towards Naga and Asuka, who were still on top of the cabin. The mysterious man who had attempted to save the two girls still lie to the side, as about six goblins came next to him and started to carry him away.

There's too many, what can I do? Asuka thought to herself. She then thought of the items she was carrying in a bag on her waste. The put her hand down to the bag and started searching for something that could help them. Naga turned her head to inspect what she was doing.

Aha! I knew this would come in handy! She exclaimed as she find an item that would help them. She drew out her hand, with all her fingers around the item. She put her hand in the air and yelled "Power of Strength, heed my signal! May you use your awesome power before us now!"

Hey…that's a chant! I didn't know she knew that… Naga thought as Asuka threw what was an Earth Sphere into the mob of goblins as far as she could. A Sphere was a magic power that was sealed into a simple piece of glass. It would only break when the chant was said, though. And when it did break, it would release the power that was locked inside. And in the middle of every one, there was something that showed what element it was. Earth had a piece of soil, Water had some drops of rain, Wind showed a tiny swirl, Fire showed a small flame, Poison was some balls of green liquid, Lightning appeared as a spark, and Ice was some ice crystals. There were also variations, such as mixing and other elements, that were able to be found, but the more complex it got, the rarer it was to find.

The shattering of the seal was shrieking as the glass shattered in the midst of the plague-like creatures. A slow rumbling could be heard, slowly rising. The monsters looked around, dumfounded by what was going on. Then the ground started to move up and down, and the rocketed into the air in one place, followed by uncountable, but not as strong, waves.

Rilina, Shiro, and I were still asleep while this happened. The rumbling could be felt from a mile away, and could be heard even further away.

"Mm…uh…Hey! What's going on?" Rilina said excitedly, looking around. Shiro woke up and looked around and heard the commotion, and then I woke up last. I immediately picked my sword, Rilina was still trying to figure out was going on, and Shiro was looking everywhere for his sword. He found it under his bed; the shaking moved it from leaning against his bed to the ground.

"Uh…is it supposed to be doing this?" Asuka thought to herself

"How am I supposed to know? You're the one who cast the spell! You're the Sorceress!" Naga shouted, trying to get her voice over the sound of the rumbling earth the screams and please coming from the unfortunate monsters.

"I don't know! It's not a spell, and this is the first time I used one! I'm not supposed to know either!" Asuka said, trying to make up for what she just done.

"Well, next time you do something, you should know what your doing!" Naga yelled, the loud noises were making her uncomfortable, especially the pitiful yelps coming from that were high pitched like a girl coming from that beginning swords man.

Right then, the quake forced its self out in ripples, going in every direction. The top of the cabin broke, and the girls went flying into the air, falling down into the room below them. Asuka fell onto my bed, but I was already out of it. And Naga fell on Rilina's bed, which Rilina was still trying to figure out what was happening and she ended up being below Naga.

"What's going on here?" I yelled to my friends as the came down, trying to help Naga off of Rilina.

"Asuka used a thingy and then the I don't know!" Naga started to say, with none of it making any sense.

"It wasn't my fault! I just tried to…" Asuka said, trying to get over the rumbling of the ground… that just stopped shaking. Everyone went silent, the madness of everything had just gone a way, and it made everyone uncomfortable. The door busted down and a swarm of the tiny green creatures rushed in, seizing everybody. They grabbed every one of us, pushing me and Shiro from where we were standing on to the ground, and rolling the three girls from were they were lying and shoved them on there stomachs. Then the goblins took out a green plant that looked like a rope and used it to tie our hands together on our backs. I looked up to see one with a wooden stick. It raised the stick into the air and came down with a quick jab.

Author's Note! – Just to let you know, from now on, Rilina will be called Mirai. I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to go back and changed all the other chapters, but her named was changed. Just to let you know. – End Author's Note!

Where am I? I thought to myself. The room was pitch black. My head was pounding, right on that spot. I went to move my hands to my head. My hands…there tied together…rubbed my head, trying to figure out where I was. I noticed that I was moving…and it was a rocky trail. I felt something shift…something moved right next to me.

"Hello? …Is anyone there?" I asked, waiting for a response. I could open my eyes, but all I was able to see was black. Whatever I was sitting in was moving, and I could feel other bodies next to mine. There were also feet on top of mine.

"…Kensuke? Is that you?" a voice asked, trying to find out that was in this tightly pack traveling box.

"Uh yeah…I can't see a thing…you are…?" I asked. The tightly packed area was starting to get hotter.

"It's Asuka. Do you know where we are?"

"No…" I said, trying to see, "All I remember is that you guys fell from the roof and…"

"Oh yeah…that…"

"…What happened?"

Asuka started to laugh with a hesitant tone, "Uh, It's kind of long to explain…"

"Ah…okay" I replied. Finally I felt a pair of foot moving. I heard a small moan, like someone wanted to sleep a little longer. Finally, the person spoke, and you tell that it was Mirai.

"Mm…God Damn it! Where the hell am I?" Mirai yelled. You could here some creatures talking outside of the box, acting surprised from her sudden exclamation.

"Mirai! Pipe down!" Asuka whispered to her. A worried tone was in her voice.

"Nn…What do you mean? I need some frickin' light!" Yelled Mirai, "HEY YOU OUT THERE, GET SOME LIGHT IN HERE!" She screamed, pounding her fist at the wall. There was a very fast shuffling around us, and then at the top, a beam of light blasted into our chamber. On my left was Shiro, who was still sleeping, an unknown man with his head on the floor on my other side, with Asuka right in front of me, a spunky Mirai facing Shiro, with lastly Naga snoring away next to the stranger.

"That's better!" Mirai exclaimed, stretching her arms, making Asuka scoot over to keep from getting hit. "Now, why are we here again? Oh yes! Those freakish little goblins through us in here and are now are bringing us to their king! Oh joyous!" Her sarcastic rants were not what everyone else was looking for at the moment.

"WE'RE WHAT?" Asuka and I blurted.

"Don't you remember? I told you! You should have taken some of my rose pedal ivy drink! It'll keep you from forgetting! If you want proof, look above!" She responded, pointing at the rectangle hole ten feet above us. A small head was peaking from the side, but the light blocked out too much of it to make anything of it.

Suddenly, Naga violently started kicking and moving about, yelling, "Let me sleep more! I don't wanna get up! Stop!" Her feet were slamming into the poor man's head next to me, waking him up to the unpleasant situation in a very unpleasant way. Shiro woke himself up through all of the commotion happing around him. Naga was continuing to squirm about until Asuka, Mirai, and I grabbed her limbs.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?" She screamed, "WHERE AM I?"

"It's okay! Your with us!" Asuka tried to calm her.

"Yeah! Just chill!" Added Mirai, in her attempt to aid Asuka.

"Oh…okay…" She finally stopped herself, and went to ask," How'd we get here?" She acted as if she was totally gone for the last day.

"You don't remember?" I asked, dumbfounded by her ability to forget almost anything she wished.

"Think back when we were supposed to be keeping an eye out at the cabin. Remember those goblins? I think we've been captured by them…" Explained Asuka, as Naga paid no attention to her, but the man in raptures of pain next to her.

Shiro finally realized where he was on his own and complained "What did she do now?"

"I didn't do anything!" Naga remarked, "Just because someone is hurt doesn't mean it's my fault!"

"Eh…oh well…" He sighed. With no big surprise to us, Shiro didn't ask about the current situation.

"So…what do we do now?" I asked. We were still moving, but the ride had become bumpier as we progressed.

"I think we should just stay put for now" Mirai suggested, enjoying the ride.

"Yes, that sounds good" Asuka agreed.

"I'd have to go with that too. We have a distinct advantage over our 'capturers'." He added, making a good point.

"I guess we'll just have to wait for now…" I went along with their idea. There was nothing else that we could do, and plus it will be sort of amusing to see how the goblins act…Then the light from above ceased. A wave of cool air filled the almost unbearable heat-filled prison.

"Where are we now?" Naga whispered, afraid of the new situation.

"Where…where in their kingdom!" The Stranger remarked with horror.