Lilly part3-V dance-
**as we last left off, our party was formed and almost immidiatly gained a new member, Terra, the earth god. And now they continue forth to seek Fulgore in hopes of settling the long enduring elven war between Woodland and Highland elves. So Lilly followed closly by Terra, then Wincent, derold, and Reignhart trail not far behind**

Wincent: *wispers* Terra...Terra...why would the earth god join us?

Reignhart: *wispers* We have long worshiped the earth god but has never shown himself till now...maby he wants peace in these forests just as we do!

Derold: ...

Wincent: yes peace at last, even the gods can desire that!

*Wincent, Reignhart, and Derold catch up to Lilly and Terra and they are all brought to a halt before the begining of a greatly dence fog*

Lilly: *sticks hand out and waves it into the fog* Beyond this point we are no longer protected by the enchantements that hold the beasts of the forest out of our parts. Prepare yourselves...

*they move into a fog that is almost so thick that they hardly see one another. After only a few minutes Terra's diety stops and it's eyes begin glowing a bright white light that reflects off the fog only making it harder to see. The rest of them stop as well and move closer to the diety as it begins growling, they begin to see distinct figures of three creatures moving closer to them. The creatures walk on all four like wolves but are to far in the fog to see clearly. Lilly draws out a wand and holds it in both hands, embraceing the power and letting it run through her, Terra goes into an almost idle state as he gains energy in preperation. The rest follow their lead and draw their weapons as well. The beasts move into vision.*

Lilly: Dire wolves (larger than regular wolves, dark black as the night where they are usually found in, and white eyes with small dim red pupils)

*the wolves showing no hesitation begin the attack*

Wolf1: *slashes Wincent_150*

Wincent: *counters_300*
***sorry distracted by Cowboy Bebop ^_^***

Wolf2: *slashes Wincent_100*

Wincent: *couters_450*

Wolf3: *slashes Derold_200*

Lilly: (uses spell) *fireball wolf2_150*

Wincent: (usues sword) *Charge wolf2_450*

Wolf2: *dead*

Reinghart: (uses bow) *shoots wolf1_200*

Terra: *charging*

Diety: *bite wolf1_350*
***ack... more bepop ^_^ hey i think wuts her name was shot in the boob :| *v-dance* ... poor bush :( he butchered it :\ wut an episode, he sure can live through alot!***

Derold: (using a battle axe) *bash wolf1_300*


wolf3: *bite Reignhart_200, bite Wincent_250*

Wincent: *(limit breaker) counter_750*

wolf3: *dead*

all: *V-DANCE ^_^*

**and so our heros make it through their first battle and see first hand the dangers of the forest, this time they may of gotten lucky that the foe was only time they may not be so lucky dododo**