where is my ability to love
where is my heart hidden away in this shell
why cant I find a way to love
to open my heart to another
to express my feelings as they come
the way that people do when they find love from within
is there something missing inside me
is there anyway to gain back the pieces
that I lost so long ago when I thought I loved you
in a way that people do when they find love from within
is there anyway to put back my life in motion
after the wheels so long have been stiffined
the pendulum has already been set to a new rythm
slow and silent, weak and dying
not like the way people feel when they find the love within
feelings so long forgotten
so far distant, running further, further
they have to stop somewhere, it has to lead somewhere
and where ever it is I shall catch it
store it for some later use for some greater good
to use when at last I find what is missing from within