Seeing through this whirling twirling mess of thoughts

Images become dissolved and disillusioned

The past sneaks up to you in the form of a vulture

Picking at your mistakes and dissecting your thoughts

It doesn’t rest until all is devoured, soul and all

The shell of a once so vivid dream can be seen

Through and through this whirling and twirling

Dissolved in time the thoughts still bare weight

The mind can’t drop these unfavorable memories

Haunting your every decision and cornering your mind

They come out at night always in numbers greater than before

Finding their way through the whirling and twirling of disasters

Plaguing your conscience no real way around them

Eating away at your very existence they do not wait

Seeing through your own reckless, thoughtless gestures

Seeing through, your intentions cannot mask your greed

Selfish as ever, every favor deserves another

Not getting anywhere, not finding anything through

And through these whirling twirling mess