by lucius
tread not yond the marshes
the kelpie broods in wait
reeds ensnare its moonmilked locks
- ragged teeth to drown its bait.
graze not by the forests
therein the jabberwocky dwells.
soft, behold its glass-streaked eyes
its bloodlust never quells.
flee the blackish moth-kissed woods
least ye chance upon the banshee
her woe-drenched cry will reach your ears
and thou be cursed eternally.
veil thyself from mermaids' lies,
their coy serpentine tails
caress not her algae flesh
beware her summoned gales
hush childe, stroke the cinders now
and make haste to thy sleep
before the sandman preys the darks
with ye dream-souls in his keep.