I broke all the mirrors in my room
Now I won't see that face anymore
I will never be reminded of the person holding me back
Can't believe how far I've fallen because of what they did
But we'll see who has the last laugh
There is nothing left all is shatterd
decorating my body, it's fragile little shards
Sharp and dangerous now it will shine once more
put back together by the hate they implanted
Scattered around are the pieces that made it whole
It was once so strong and solid reflecting proud
It will never again be at glory, It's far to sunken
Trashed, beaten, bruised never new it was so brittle
I tried to catch the pieces as they fell all around me
but they tore through my flesh the more I fought it
It's too far gone and will never again be complete
The once precious glass has sparkled it's last
Shattered by Slayer0