Summer to Spring.
She hides behinds a mask,
Her face and feelings only seen by the walls of her home.
Few get a glimpse of the fire inside,
Fear grips her actions,
her secrets, her heart.
Dreams and What Ifs,
Plague her mind.
Thoughts of a life that she doesn’t control.
Were destiny takes over,
And the world turns backwards.
So that everything changes.
To What?
Dreams become real.
Wishes become True.
Thoughts become actions,
And fear doesn’t effect you and me.
So simple and small.
Yet it can hold you captive,
Control your life.
One word, One four letter word.
It is everything and nothing.
Fear of judgement, change
the unknown, and darkness.
Those fears are what control all I do.
Those fears go hand in hand with one another.
Judgement can Change,
As well as the unknown and the darkness.
The unknown and The darkness,
One and the same.
For what is covered and hidden is the unknown.
Isn’t It?
Funny I fear those from other,
Yet I am all those fears.
I’m hidden and unknown to all.
And I hope that change will come.
I Judge myself by fearing there judgement on me.
I wish for a lifetime, a year, a day, an hour, a minute,
That me and the world could switch places.
So that I am the one that gets pushed to tell my problems,
by those who don’t simple except a nothing is wrong reply.
So that I am the one being comforted,
Instead of them being helped with their frivolous problems.
That I am the one, who is selfish and self-centered,
Instead of being the one who hides their problems, and helps them.
Wishing not to lay my problems down on them,
Not to burden them with my load,
While they do exactly that to me.
Of course it’s my fault,
I know and have known this for years of my life.
Just as I’ve known that it’s my fault,
That I choose to play the lackey.
The one who lets you control you,
These are for the same reasons as every thing else,
It can control all you do,
What you think, and how you act.
If you let it.
Yes it is your choice to control it or let it control you.
You can control and the entire world if you wish.
With just one of many things you can put your life in your control.
Those things are so little and small, just like fear,
But it can get you what you want.
They are these
Use them as you see them.
Use them as you feel them to be used.
The Mind
So with one last thing I leave you for know,
With one piece of advice and wisdom I exit the scene,
Fallow your heart and be careful of using the mind
For the fire that you hold inside of you