Author's Note: I wrote this for a friend a long time ago, but never quite had the courage to pass it on. I didn't work on any solid rhyme scheme, so bear with me.
"Stepping Stone"
High on a mountain
You don't see the truth
Deep sea diving in shallow pools
Spinning webs out of nothing
Begging me to carry you
A well-worn step to victory
While my weight drags me down
Not bitter, just forgotten
I see a shadow of myself in you
Spin faster but threads fall away
Flinging sanity to the winds
Meaning hidden in the broken strands
Losing your self to become wise
Words can't reach across this divide
Collecting the pieces makes us whole
Falling lets us learn to soar
Scars teach us what it means to heal
I see a shadow of my past in you
Hear something greater than echoes
Grasp something more solid than dreams
Dig your way out of the pit
You buried yourself in long ago
I will be standing still
At the edge
Waiting for you here
Hand outstretched